
Marta Mozolewska
Vagabond Voices
Published in
Dec 15, 2022

Free verse

Source: TheDigital Artist (via pixabay)

The Grim Reaper has scared away
the heart into a deep, dark cellar.
Rolling its eyes the Reaper grumbles,
“Oh great, again, what a funk!
Okay, listen. No worry, it’s fine.
The brain will take over control now,”

A heavy sigh.

“Yeah, I know, it’s weakened
but still strong enough to get by.
And it remembers the heart
so shall act according to its memory.
But, take heed, memory fades too fast,
the brain must quickly recognize
that the cellar door isn’t locked
and the time shall come
when it must press the handle,
descend the stairs, find the coward
and drag it out to the sun,
before it’s forever done.
You’d better have this sorted out
when I come back. For you.
Finally. You know what I mean.
Good luck!”

©2022 Marta Mozolewska. All rights reserved.

