The Swimmer

Mary McGrath
Vagabond Voices
Published in
Feb 8, 2021


Easy strokes for now…

Pool ladder-photo by Mary McGrath

With your long lithe body, muscles taut like sinew, I watch you paddle across the pool, your limbs easy, strong, moving you forward without any thought.

The lane tells you where to go, the black stripes on the bottom keeping you in line. You know how far it is to the other side as you easily flip the turn, and repeat the same lesson again.

But your time will come, where your chosen path will change, the waters will darken, and you too will have to learn to navigate differently.

One day, you will have to swim in an uneven tide. There are no turquoise lanes to follow. There will be a silent undertow pulling you down into its hungry mouth, the black waters below uncertain, as the horizon blurs in the distance.

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Mary McGrath
Vagabond Voices

Top writer in humor, short stories, writing, advice and poetry. She’s written for Newsweek, Wall St. Journal, Good Housekeeping, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.