Walk of Fame

Anna Green
Vagabond Voices
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2019

Multimillionaire was walking toward his car smiling. His brisk and radiant face caught the brightest rays of the sun.
If you could ever “wear” Luck — you would probably feel like him.
Exhausted woman was crossing the street, she turned her head in all directions so that some car wouldn’t hit her.
If you could ever “wear” depression — you would probably feel like her that day.

Decent light of a singly ray caught her grey face, she sipped that light a bit and warmth got its way into her heart. She felt warmth and took off her gloves.
Then a car “almost” hit her, she just had a second to jump out of its.
A van pulled over and several heavy guys were shoving the multimillionaire down at the van.
Woman felt powerful after the warmth hit her — she screamed for help.
Guys got her too. Hood over the face and then emptiness.
If you could ever “wear” fear — you would probably feel like them that minute.

They woke up in a cage.

Dark vast space. None of them cared for each other at all, rather blaming and hating. Suddenly they identified a third subject in the cage — a boy.
Boy turned out to be an orphan, who with no logical reason to sit there with them.

Locked up, scared, they stare into one another, down at the darkness. Hollow space got the single drop fell on the damp floor echoing around.
More screaming, swearing, praying … time went on.

Logic? Karma? Destiny? Trick?

And most important questions “Why?”
And of course “What?”

Waiting…period that has no timeframe except the individual perception of existence. People who were measured by the situation beyond understanding and hypothesis.

Presumption of innocence.

Then talking, that all what’s left. Many hours of sore throat because of the talking.
Three individuals with their own experience, three different types of life.

“I don’t believe in life at all”, said the boy, “Life taught me well, we exist no longer”.

“I’m so tired”, said a woman, “and I missed my daughter. I left her to earn money, so that she could learn and live good”.

“Yeah, sounds familiar”, said the boy, “Maybe one day you will see her”.

“I loved my life”, said a man, “every single piece of it, every single day, minute, breath, I loved it. I do not deserve to loose any more time here”.

“Wow, perfect speech, now go and buy me couple of parents won’t you?”, said the boy.

“I don’t even care what you say”, said a man, “I don’t care for any of you”.

“Maybe you should”, said a woman.

“…what a shame,” said a man quietly, “what a shame….what a shame, what a shame… I wish I wasn’t…”, rather to himself he murmured.

“Then maybe”, with a hiss of a snake said the woman, “you are here for a reason … dad, maybe there is always a story behind every single deed”

“Yeah, I got that since I saw you on that damn street”, answered a man quietly, “I knew…and i thought then, what a good day to avoid you the second time”, he said.
“Well then you probably should sit here forever, shouldn’t you?”
“Thanks to you I guess” he answered.

A flashlight turned on.

“Subscribe to my channel”, said the boy holding the phone over his head, “to see content like this…”

And so they sit in the cage.


