What keeps you writing?

Trisha Traughber
Vagabond Voices
Published in
4 min readOct 3, 2021

A Vagabond Voices writing and living prompt.

Photo by Kelvyn Ornettte Sol Marte on Unsplash

What keeps you writing
into the sleepless
night, pillows wrinkled,
tossed aside?
Or in broad daylight, while out
the window the world stirs you
with its leaves and falling, fading light —
what brings you to sit and scribble?

What makes you pen
your experience, write what stirs
when you watch the world
and all its tiny, fragile bits
shaken, stirred like the drifting snow
in a globe you once held
in your child’s hand?

Is writing the place you go
for haven, amnesty, escape?
The turret that rises above with stone
walls as old as humanity reaching
skyward, windows cut in the rock
where the sun melts through,
birds clattering and flapping
upward. The damp smell of earth,
the clear empty blue of heaven
and you, writing,
somewhere between.

Or is writing another labyrinth
where you may be
lost. Telling stories, taking
false turns, wondering if
you will find
your way?

Tell us, what keeps you
What keeps the pen
scratching the fertile furrows
of the page, the ideas lifting
from the soil into soft blades
of song.

You may have noticed I’ve been quiet. I went on a long vacation and took some time out for some professional writing projects I’m working on.

And during this hiatus, I met up with many writers, chatted, heard from many of you by email. And so, this question has been brewing in my mind:

What keeps you writing?

I’m asking my entire Vagabond community — and many of these people aren’t on Medium.

But here, and now — I’m also asking those of you who write on this platform.

Because whatever twists and turns Medium takes — this is also a place we come to write and read and be read. And I dare to believe that you are writing for something other than claps. Or a few dollars — or even many dollars.

I believe there is something more. And this is why I read you.

Share your ideas in a poem, a story, a photo…or just tell us in the comments.

Beautiful writing from our community:

Sylvia Wohlfarth, takes us on a beach walk on Achill Island…but also into a story of kindness between strangers.

Carlos Garbiras wrote another reflective and beautiful piece that will lead you to think of home while traveling someplace you may have never been…

Steve Williams will take you on a finely crafted tale that leaves his character heading into waters most of us have only dreamed of. I’m hoping to hear many more of your stories, Steve.

Jenine Bsharah Baines wrote us a flower duet, shared a stunning photo of her own, and invites you to enjoy a bit of opera…

Jonah Lightwhale took us on this beach walk and into some delightful shifting imagery with

Jen Kleinknecht had words and beautiful imagery about books…too many books.

Mary McGrath brought us a narrative about the last lap, the finish line and the way we feel at the end of the race…

Somsubhra Banerjee brought us a poem with imagery from nature and mystery and emotion underneath…

Lisa Bolin wrote a poem at our writing workshop that will take you stepping out into nature in the northern archipelago where she lives…

Jonah Lightwhale wrote a poem that delves into the theme of the polyglot dream…and coffee.

Are you a Vagabond Too? Write with us.

This is a space for wandering souls. For multilingual writers. For people who have lived in more than one place…and continue to do so in their hearts.

If you’d like to write for Vagabond Voices, feel free to get in touch here with your Medium handle. Let me know a bit about yourself, why you think your work would be a good fit. And let me know if you have a story or draft in mind.

If you’d like to keep up to speed on additional writing prompts, book club picks, book chats, and other live events, you can sign up for the newsletter:



Trisha Traughber
Vagabond Voices

Immigrant, bilingual, mother, teacher, book-worm, writer. Life is better when we create - together.