writers blog 1

Cj Vagnone
Vagnones voice
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2023

The topic that caught my attention most was in our Friday class in which we spoke about how hyper links changed the way we digest information. Over the course of the week we spoke about how the internet completely reinvent the way we digest information When I thought about that generic sentence I was thinking more platforms, browsers, accessibility ect. But when you had a whole class on hyperlinks i found that an extremely cool and under appreciated form of technological advancement that i would not have thought of. Ive always seen the hyperlink as a way to just show facts you are speaking about, or linking a persons name to everything they did. But when we spoke in class my brain took another turn on why the hyperlink was so cool and so important. The ability to have contradictory ideas within your writing, and not have to explain them in your own words and force someone to share the same view as you, but just linking the whole contradictory argument and letting them form their own ideas is key especially in todays day and age. We spoke earlier in the week about echo chambers and being surrounded with all the information of only one side and in this way hyperlinks directly combat that from happening. Even when creating a article that they masses may not agree with, if you hyper link what you are arguing it at least gives the reader a chance to make their own idea, not just take your word for what the other side says. This is only one of the ways hyperlinks are important and used today, but this is what connected with me this week.



Cj Vagnone
Vagnones voice

20 year old from Cornelius NC, Student at HPU, if you are reading this im sorry.