8 Famous People Who Had a Great 2016 That I’d Like To Have At My Birthday Party

And The Questions I’d Ask

Josh Spilker
Vaguely Feel
3 min readJan 10, 2017


You know how some people do something really cool and you’re like “I wonder how they did that do that interesting thing?” and anyway, my birthday is this month and if I could invite 8 people who did something cool in 2016 and ask them about it — here are those people:

1. Chance The Rapper (uh, rapper)

Question: What are the best tactics to independently release art in today’s environment?

2. Evan McMullin (3rd-Party presidential candidate)

Question: Does taking on the establishment add up to real change?

3. Rob Bell (pastor guy and author of How To Be Here)

Question: What do you think Christianity will look like in 50 or 75 years?

4. Chris Paul (NBA basketball player)

Question: What would you have done differently in your basketball career?

5. Denis Villeneuve (director of Sicario, The Arrival)

Question: What’s the best way to tell a story?

6. Joe Maddon (Cubs and most importantly to me, former Rays manager)

Question: Do you think you could’ve ever won with the Rays?

7. Emma Stone (actress)

Question: What was the hardest part of making La La Land?

8. Donald Glover (rapper / actor)

Question: What’s the key to being a successful polymath?

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