hello again ($1.99 for now)

Josh Spilker
Vaguely Feel
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1 min readApr 17, 2017


my book taco jehovah came out this past week and i forgot to tell you about it, though you may have heard about it, idk.

it’s about taco trucks, God, Chili’s, Panama City Beach, Kmart, Costco and mini-golf.

for $1.99, you can get a digital copy of taco jehovah.

you can totally afford that. you probably just drank 1/8 of a beer for that price and don’t even remember it.

the thing is…i’m about to raise the price sometime on Monday. i’m not sure when, sometime in the morning i guess.

anyway, we you read this be sure and buy it or it’ll be gone.

josh @ vaguely feel

PS: here are some taglines you should totally read abt the book

