I Saw This Outside

Last week I got locked out of my house and then I ran to the gym because that’s what you do when you get locked out of your house?

Josh Spilker
Vaguely Feel
2 min readOct 1, 2017


Two things I don’t do often:

  • Get locked out of my house
  • Run to the gym

What was weird about getting locked out is that someone was in my house. Not like an intruder, but a babysitter, who was helping out while I worked.

I could’ve knocked and asked her to let me back in, but she was putting my girls down for a nap.

I didn’t want to interrupt nap time and I was already in my gym clothes and the gym is like a 15 minute run away from my house.

Once I started running to the gym, I realized that I’m not in very good shape. Even though I run on the treadmill fairly often.

Note: The gym is 15 minutes for me to run. I’m sure someone else, like a better runner, would get there much faster. Like in 5 minutes.

This makes me question the validity of running on a treadmill or how well I run on the treadmill or if the gym is actually helping me at all.

So I went to the gym, did some weights or something, drank some water and left again.

After all, I had to get back to work and make sure I could get back into my house.

That’s when I saw this:

A toilet under a tree.

I don’t know if it worked. I don’t think so.

But what I admired about this toilet was the care that someone had to set up it as if it actually worked.

The reconstruction of what’s become an indoor activity.

The connection of body and nature, yet separated out by modern plumbing.

The confrontation of privilege.

Other things to note:

  • What a nice, shady spot
  • The red, lost shopping cart
  • The picnic tables which are next to a local hamburger stand

Then I kept running back to my air-conditioned house that also contains not only indoor plumbing, but more than one toilet, a dishwasher and a garbage disposal with a car parked out front.

When I returned to my home, the babysitter let me back in.

I’m Josh Spilker and I wrote a book about God, tacos, empty malls, food trucks and mini-golf called Taco Jehovah. You can get it on Amazon.

