Stuff I’m Into Right Now

Josh Spilker
Vaguely Feel
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2017


1. The Pizza Show

This show is on Vice and I tell at least one person about it once a week. One episode he goes to a pizza convention, where you watch people compete in tossing dough and doing tricks. This is true. He usually visits different cities and then talks about pizza with the people there. I forget the guy’s name, but he has a pizza shop in Brooklyn and then he went to a few of the pizza places I’ve been to in Brooklyn so that made me feel authentic or something.

2. Nathan For You

I mention this show to people and they still have never heard of it, even though it’s Season 4 or something. Nathan Fiedler is a comedian, but he’s more like a performance artist putting people in really awkward situations. He ropes in small businesses to allow him to try something really unconventional and crazy for their business. He always finds these people, I guess the allure of being on TV is too much. My favorite was when he convinced a small electronics store to guard their TV deals with crocodiles.

3. The Original Face by Guillaume Morissette

Read this book in like 4 days. It’s a simple story, but of great interest to any “internet artists” out there, whatever that means. The book dismisses that term as well while fully exploring it. Daniel is a video glitch artist, but he can’t survive off that alone, and The Original Face is about the tension between art, steady income, relationships and the suffering that entails between all three of those. It’s the most clear-eyed novel of relationships in the post-Internet era or whatever, and the anxiety that none of us can escape. I loved it.

I’m Josh Spilker and I wrote a book about God, tacos, empty malls, food trucks and mini-golf called Taco Jehovah. You can get it on Amazon. Read more like this at Vaguely Feel.

