Stuff I’m Into Right Now

Part 2

Josh Spilker
Vaguely Feel
2 min readJan 1, 2017


Read Part 1.

Hey, I’m a person. I read and consume a lot of different stuff. I’ll start cataloging more of that and what I recommend.


Searching for John Hughes by Jason Diamond

Read this quickly, including while waiting at one of those quick oil change places. It’s a memoir with an awesome framework, and lots of tales of how difficult it can be to make it as a writer. I’ll be writing more about this book soon. Sidenote: I kinda-sorta know Jason from working on Vol. 1 Brooklyn for a time. Everybody check it out.

Throwback Special by Chris Bachelder

Snuck this in at the end of the year — it’s so funny and a joy to read. Really gives me hope for the novel.

David Foster Wallace: The Last Interview and Other Conversations

Sad for it of course to be his last interviews, but still a great comprehensive look at the writer and his thought processes. I’ve read (and tried to read) a lot of David Foster Wallace this year, so this is a cap to the year.


Reply All Podcast

I’m kind of late to this one, but I really enjoyed their marathon phone call-in show.

“67 Cherry Red” by Aaron West and The Roaring Twenties

This was probably my favorite song of 2016.


This series takes a look each season at a city that’s facing corruption or crime. This first one is about Providence, RI and how the mob influenced multiple levels of government. I know nothing about Providence, but this was awesome.


La La Land in theaters

I already wrote about this, but I should also say that it’s amazing. Oh wait, want more? The story is devastatingly simple and that always makes me jealous.

Don’t Think Twice (movie)

Tackles some the same creative struggles as La La Land, but as a group instead. What happens when one of your friend is successful and you’re not? How do things change? What if your life stays the same?

Search Party on TBS

It’s a comedy but with a serious premise — an acquaintance of Dory’s goes missing and Dory drags her friends along in a weird quest to track down a missing person. The adventure gives Dory’s life purpose — maybe too much purpose.

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