vaguely feel like my dog killed a chicken

Josh Spilker
Vaguely Feel
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2016

I was on Google Hangout talking to austin ____ islam when I heard my toddler waking up.

I glanced out the window and saw a chicken in the backyard. I don’t own any chickens. I also have a four-foot tall fence. How did it get back there?

I quickly picked up my daughter and showed her the chicken in the backyard. After a nap, she has to go to the bathroom so I took her in there and monitored the chicken situation from the bathroom window that looks into the backyard.

While waiting for her, I heard my dogs barking.

Hmmm. I didn’t even think about they would respond to the chicken.

I looked back out of the bathroom window to see my largest dog tackle the chicken. I yelled.

The death was quick.

He had the chicken pinned and it was probably dead. He nosed it. He would gnaw it at soon.

I opened the window and yelled “Lincoln!” Loudly. I woke up my baby daughter. Now I had two awake kids by myself and a dog who was about to eat a raw dead chicken. I guess that’s what animals do.

“What’s wrong Dad? Where’s the chicken?” my two-year old asked.

“The chicken is outside with Lincoln. Can you wait for Dad in here?”

She trotted off to her room. I ran outside. Feathers were scattered all over the yard.

Why a chicken? Where did this come from? Should I let the dogs eat the chicken? I’ve never had chickens and don’t really care. I don’t even know anyone on the block with chickens.

After putting the dogs up in their pen, I went to see the chicken. It’s neck was bent. It looked pretty fat. I grabbed my shovels and gloves.

Bury it? Burn it? Cook it? I just put in a large trash bag and threw it in the trash.

I didn’t tell my daughter what happened exactly. She asked and I told her the chicken left.

I am so unprepared for living.

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