vaguely feel like writing poetry again after hearing the news about coke zero

Josh Spilker
Vaguely Feel
Published in
1 min readJul 28, 2017

the doritos truck was in front of dollar general

the truck was moving backward

but i was on a scooter

moving forward.


i heard the news about

coke zero

and you didn’t have

the energy

to tell me

to my face.


i opened my front door and

i heard the kids rap battling

in the park across the street and

i turned the other way.


we ate tacos

at local taco

and talked

about condos

in florida.


i hit the deck

with the Honda CRV

because I checked

my phone while driving

the Honda CRV.


we lost

the roku remote.

i had to download

the roku remote

phone app to watch

netflix until the

babysitter found

the roku remote

under the couch.

I’m Josh Spilker and I wrote a book about God, tacos, empty malls, food trucks and mini-golf. You can get it here.

