How Marketing Will Make You Question Everything!

Vaibhav Shastri
Published in
8 min readFeb 7, 2021

How can one scale their business with Marketing?

In this Article you will learn on how Great marketing could be done with some proper tips and how it would affect you and your business.

This article is for entrepreneurs, passionate business seekers, students and also influencers!

Before going to the original part let see some introductory about marketing.

(All important keywords are in italic)

The Fundamentals of Marketing


  • Marketing is not just about publishing/advertising the product but it starts before the product creation (i.e. researching about your idea/content and providing a unique way of service with respected idea)
  • In order for an effective campaign, understanding your market competitors, audience, barriers, and support all play an important role in brand positioning.
Like the first step of any project, research is vital for every marketing challenge. In order for an effective campaign, unde


  • Good communication not only means good vocabulary but if you are able to transfer your thoughts properly then you are a good communicator.
  • Communication with your customers and getting feedback is very important to realize where you stand.


  • Marketing calls for high attention to detail, and yes that means attention to creativity too. Each and every step needs to be evaluated to be creative from competitors.
  • Being unique does not mean you need to change everything but it depends on what market needs what your customer needs and with that how you will deliver that service in most efficient way.


  • After creating a content or planning Evaluating is very much important for scaling purpose ( ex- If you have 100Rs and you want to take 10 products of different costs you need to evaluate, to purchase each and every product to get the most effective cost price. This will let us know whether the product costs crosses our budget or is in the budget)


  • Revise, revise, revise… and then revise some more. Marketing calls for demands requires continuous trial and error until you’ve effectively reached your target market and communicate a message they want to hear.
  • It is extremely rewarding to gain new expertise and insights throughout a revision process. Making revision an easier task.


  • After complete planning and Process Evaluation. How to present the particular service or product or and idea? is definitely important. This could attract investors, stake holders, clients or your manager/owner.
  • Final delivery is important to access the end results and see how you can apply new concepts and communication tactics for next time.

Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing


  • As long as technology is evolving, digital marketing continues to grow. Digital marketing includes social media mentions, websites, banner ads and YouTube videos.
Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash
  • One can start promote business by using social media. Online marketing is a form of inbound marketing, and its main aim is for customers to find you.
  • Increased brand awareness, More inbound traffic, Search engine rankings start improving, Higher conversion rates, Customer satisfaction, Improved brand loyalty, Cost-effective are some important advantages of digital marketing.
  • The world has changed into a digital domain. We perform a lot of our daily activities online, like reading the newspaper and banking. Due to the growth of the digital age, it is better that marketers start investing in digital campaigns.


  • Traditional marketing has many facets. It includes tangible items like print ads in magazines or newspapers, business cards, etc. It can also include commercials on radio or TV, posters, brochures and billboards.
Photo by on Unsplash
  • Meaning of traditional marketing is when people find your business through reference or network and start buying your product or service.(Ex i got to know your product by reading newspaper and I told someone else to buy it too)
  • Longevity, Finding ads in newspapers, magazines or on billboards is easy, these are some advantages of Traditional Marketing.

CATT Marketing Funnel


  • n- Niche : It is a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service. (Ex one is having a food stall then his niche would be food & health)
  • C- Content : It is the product or service you wish to sell.
  • A- Attention : Driving attention could be done using funnel(hyperlink in the landing page where it leads to further pages or transaction page )and leads(landing page: where users could see the first page when they click your website or link)
  • T- Trust : Building trust enables the customer to be your permanent customer / regular customer.(Ex Personal branding)
  • T- Transaction : It is a journey from leads to buying customer.

Niche Selection —

Build a niche and be the leading position in that niche. Your service should be replaced by your brand name (ex- google it)


Personal Branding

  • Company brand with personal brand creates more value where people trust the brand (personal brand) which again links to your personal brand.
  • A personal brand can give rise to many brands it could be a influencer to different mini brands created by you which in time could become a big brand ( a brand greater than your personal brand)
  • The only downside is the personal brand cannot be owned by other company. So it’s a sole proprietorship(whole company’s responsibility is in your hands)

MASSTRUST BLUEPRINT!- BY DIGITAL DEEPAKin my own words- Vaibhav Shastri

1- LEARN :

Learn new skills through >

  • concepts — understanding concepts
  • facts — remember facts
  • procedures — practice procedures

2- WORK :

“Developing a good work ethic is key. Apply yourself at whatever you do, whether you’re a janitor or taking your first summer job because that work ethic will be reflected in everything you do in life.”
Tyler Perry

Work What you have learnt from — is the key here.

3- BLOG :

  • Blog or write it down — To create confidence in your own self.
  • See a new way of applying things better — To stand out from others.
  • Evaluation and Validation — To rectify your mistakes/errors.


“There is no greater wealth than wisdom, no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than culture and no greater support than consultation.”

Ali ibn Abi Talib


  • A Guide is very much important to guide you to the correct way of delivering your content. He/ She could be anyone from a company owner to a blog writer.
  • Consult your guide to

“M”ake required changes to become a change yourself” — Vaibhav Shastri


Last but not the least and the most important part go for it!

Integrated Digital Marketing!

  • Integrated Digital Marketing encompasses the idea of creating a unique form of expression that’s easy to identify in all of the channels your customer uses.
  • That means it’s a strategy that blends all your marketing tactics. Then, each campaign and approach complement the other, creating a consistent image on the mind of the users and tracing a journey for them to go on.
  • If you develop a method to unify all the channels, creating the same experience to the audience, your marketing works as a whole and makes more sense to prospects.

3 Means of Communication in Integrated Digital Marketing Includes:-

1- Paid media (paid advertising).

2- Earned media (organic search obtained with a website or a blog).

3- Owned media (Social Media, Email, and others).

ECONOMICS in Marketing

Economic growth can be defined as the increase in the inflation-adjusted market value of the goods and services produced by an economy over time


If you want to go through the definition it is listed above but here I will share the most important economic point for the development of the country.

Globally, people are living much longer than previously in recorded human history. (Ex US has projected that global life expectancy has gone up from 47 years in 1950 to beyond 65 years of age in 2010 and projects that it will reach 75 years by 2050. The increase in life expectancy can be rooted in declining infant mortality rates as well as the decreasing number of children deaths from childhood diseases. This has allowed more children to advance into adulthood and eventually old age.

  • Due to an increasing aging population, nations will see that these elderly individuals will soon die off. Combined with lower fertility rates and reduced replacement of people, nations have started to experience shrinking populations(Ex-nations such as Japan and Italy are starting to see their populations age considerably)
  • Contrary to this the infants and youth’s population also increases resulting to growth in economy.
  • With the increase in youth and old age population there could be unemployment factor and limit of housing factor and resource factor rising up. Contrary to this also their is rise in business opportunity and economic development.



  • If a person takes a loan from 1 bank and invests it in another bank, it could be loaned again where when this continues central bank will get much reserves and cash flow increasing the economy of the country. Now the central bank will continue with high interest rates on loans to lead with more profits reducing inflation caused due to higher currency value.
  • Contrary to this if people will start paying their debts : the cash flow reduces, decreasing the economy of the country causing inflation and reduces currency value and also with that country reserves will start implementing low interest rates on loans to shift from reducing debts to vice versa to overcome the economy depletion problem.

Thus these are some factors and tips which could lead you to Great Marketing solving some of your doubts on Questioning Marketing!

Comment and let me know Your questions! and also feel free to encourage us :)

