Incoming — JSON Validation Framework for Python

Vaidik Kapoor
Vaidik Kapoor
Published in
10 min readMar 2, 2015

Incoming is a JSON validation framework for Python. Validation of payloads sent over HTTP requests has always been a mess. A bunch of if-then-else further branching into more if-then-else blocks is common and over time becomes extremely difficult to manage. Since the use of JSON for HTTP payload is a common practice, it only made sense to solve the problem of payload validation for payloads in JSON format. Incoming is an opinionated JSON validation framework which does not bind to any kind of web frameworks. It just tries to make JSON validation sensible and logical by giving it structure and making it possible to re-use validation code across your application.

The Problem

Payload validation is a common problem that makes your web applications messy and difficult to maintain. Especially if you are doing API development, getting tangled in a bunch of if-then-else blocks happens really quickly. But that’s not the end of it. There are more problems that may come out or grow over time. Let’s list them down here:

  1. Bunch of if-then-else blocks tangled with each other, which make management of code extremely difficult.
  2. Abstracting out validation logic may become difficult over time, not because it is difficult, but there is no logical place to put all that together.
  3. Reporting validation failures becomes too messy and difficult because there is no proper way to do it. You end up reporting validation failures incorrectly.

Put all these issues together, it makes sense to solve these problems together as they seem common to most of the web applications, especially those that are heavy on APIs.

The Solution — Incoming

Incoming is an opinionated JSON validation framework that makes it possible to validate JSON payloads with ease using structure. Its just a small framework that makes it possible for you to solve the problems as listed in the previous section in a sane way.

Although Incoming is a framework or task agnostic JSON validation framework and it does not have to do anything with what it is used for, let’s use HTTP APIs as a reference for the sake of this post.

Structuring payload validation code into classes

First thing’s first, let’s get a place in our application to put together all our payload validation code. How and why would this work? Usually, every HTTP API end-point accepts a kind of payload that has a set format. In case of REST APIs, the resources have a format for the payload. So it is possible to put together all the validation in some place for an end-point or an API. Incoming makes it possible for you. Let’s get introduced to Incoming’s API.

Consider that there is an HTTP API that expects the following JSON payload:

"name": "Vaidik" // string,
"age": 16 // integer,
"gender": "male" // string, male or female only

To validate the above payload using Incoming, we can write the validator like so:

import json

from incoming import datatypes, PayloadValidator

class PersonValidator(PayloadValidator):

name = datatypes.String()
age = datatypes.Integer()
gender = datatypes.Function('validate_gender')

def validate_gender(self, val, **kwargs):
val = val.lower()
if val == 'male' or val == 'female':
return True
return False

validator = PersonValidator()

payload1 = {
'name': 'Vaidik Kapoor',
'age': 16.5,
'gender': 'mail'
{'age': ['Invalid data. Expected an integer.'],
'gender': ['Invalid data.']})

payload2 = {
'name': 'Vaidik Kapoor',
'age': 16,
'gender': 'male'
(True, None)

This is a simple payload validator written using Incoming. This shows how Incoming makes it possible for you to quickly do simple validations of fundamental data types and at the same time allows you to do validations using separate methods. These methods don’t have to be instance methods. Instead they can be static methods or class methods or even functions as well.

Getting rid of tangled if-then-else blocks which are difficult to read

Consider the following example:

"name": "Vaidik", // string
"age": 16, // integer
"gender": "male" // string, male or female only
"department": "engineering", // string, possible values
// are engineering,
// marketing, sales
"github": "" // string, required if department
// department is
// engineering

There are two new fields in this example. One is department - this field can take engineering, marketing and sales as values. There is another optional field called github. This field is required only if department is engineering.

This is how we can validate this using Incoming:

import json

from incoming import datatypes, PayloadValidator

class PersonValidator(PayloadValidator):

name = datatypes.String()
age = datatypes.Integer()
gender = datatypes.Function('validate_gender',
department = datatypes.Function('validate_department')
github = datatypes.Function('validate_github', required=False)

def validate_gender(self, val, **kwargs):
if val == 'male' or val == 'female':
return True
return False

def validate_department(self, val, **kwargs):
if val in ('engineering', 'marketing', 'sales'):
return True
return False

# the entire payload is passed to every validation method or
# function
def validate_github(self, val, payload, **kwargs):
if payload.get('department', None) == 'engineering':
if val is None:
return False
return True

We can see that you can now easily validate the field github and the validation may depend on the value of other fields. How we do that is that we pass the entire payload to every validation function or method as a keyword argument. You can make use of this to write validation rules for one field that may depend on the values of other field or fields.

Organizing validation logic and code in a more sensible place

Incoming tries to make validation more organized and structured as usually validation is the part that goes every where in your application and starts scattering really quickly.

I introduced Incoming for validation earlier in this article with an example, wherein we used classes for organizing validation code for JSON payloads. So here is the first thing — Incoming makes use of classes to make it possible to put together validation for different types of payloads.

Other than validation of basic fundamental data types, Incoming provides ways to use functions or methods to write validation logic for handling more complex types of validations. And in real-world applications, you will end up having complex validations. Important thing is that if you can organize this validation logic and make it re-usable so that the same logic can be used outside of the scope of Incoming if you choose to do so. In the previous examples, we have used instance methods for validation. However, Incoming also supports you to use static methods, class methods and functions as well for writing validations. So instance methods work just fine but in case you want to use the same logic at other places in your application, you can look at functions, class methods or static methods as well. See the following example:

import json

from incoming import datatypes, PayloadValidator

def validate_age(val, **kwargs):
if val > 0:
return True
return False

class PersonValidator(PayloadValidator):

name = datatypes.String()
age = datatypes.Function(validate_age) # notice that
# reference to
# validation function
# is passed instead
# of name of the
# method as a string
# in other cases
gender = datatypes.Function('validate_gender',
department = datatypes.Function('validate_department')
github = datatypes.Function('validate_github',

def validate_gender(cls, val, **kwargs):
if val == 'male' or val == 'female':
return True
return False

def validate_department(self, val, **kwargs):
if val in ('engineering', 'marketing', 'sales'):
return True
return False

# the entire payload is passed to every validation method or
# function
def validate_github(val, payload, **kwargs):
if payload.get('department', None) == 'engineering':
if val is None:
return False
return True

Notice that validate_age is a function, validate_gender is a class method and validate_github is a static method. This makes all the three callables useful outside the scope of Incoming as well.

Reporting validation failures with proper error messages

This is the kicker. Getting error messages right becomes as difficult and makes things even more messier and you can easily start loosing consistency in error messages very soon. Incoming makes it possible for you to handle error messages nicely.

Incoming validates each and every field that is provided in the payload and that is absent in the payload but was mentioned in the payload validator’s definition. Every time validation fails for any field, Incoming catches the failure and returns sensible error messages. Consider the following example:

import json

from incoming import datatypes, PayloadValidator

class PersonValidator(PayloadValidator):

name = datatypes.String()
age = datatypes.Integer()
gender = datatypes.Function('validate_gender',
department = datatypes.Function('validate_department')
github = datatypes.Function('validate_github',

def validate_gender(self, val, **kwargs):
if val == 'male' or val == 'female':
return True
return False

def validate_department(self, val, **kwargs):
if val in ('engineering', 'marketing', 'sales'):
return True
return False

# the entire payload is passed to every validation method or
# function
def validate_github(self, val, payload, **kwargs):
if payload.get('department', None) == 'engineering':
if val is None:
return False
return True

validator = PersonValidator()
validator.validate(dict(name='Vaidik', age=16.5, gender='mail'))
{'age': ['Invalid data. Expected an integer.'],
'department': ['Expecting a value for this field.'],
'gender': ['Invalid data.']})

Incoming does not stop validating other fields after first validation failure. The reason behind this decision was that all the validation failures should be reported at once so that the end user can fix the payload before trying again and keep on doing hit-and-trial. And part of the reason behind this decision was because Incoming was written for web applications to start with, which usually have APIs with end users or consumers. Making multiple requests for every field in the payload just for checking if the payload validates is rather painful for the end user.

Note that the validation for both age and gender failed. Since age is of type Integer, Incoming returned an error message saying that an integer was expected. In case of ‘gender’, Incoming just says Invalid data. because in case of type Function, Incoming does not know the reason of failure. While this is a good beginning for handling error messages, the error message in case of gender field is not very helpful to the end user.

There is support for custom error messages when validation fails. This means that although Incoing has sane error messages by default, you can always add more accurate error messages with respect to your application. Furthermore, Incoming allows you to control error messages for every field in your payload. Consider the following example:

import json

from incoming import datatypes, PayloadValidator

class PersonValidator(PayloadValidator):

name = datatypes.String(error='name must be a string')
age = datatypes.Integer(error='age must be an integer')
gender = datatypes.Function('validate_gender',
error=('gender can be either '
'male or female'))
department = datatypes.Function('validate_department')
github = datatypes.Function('validate_github',

def validate_gender(self, val, **kwargs):
if val == 'male' or val == 'female':
return True
return False

def validate_department(self, val, **kwargs):
if val in ('engineering', 'marketing', 'sales'):
return True
return False

# the entire payload is passed to every validation method or
# function
def validate_github(self, val, payload, **kwargs):
if payload.get('department', None) == 'engineering':
if val is None:
return False
return True

validator = PersonValidator()
validator.validate(dict(name='Vaidik', age=16.5, gender='mail'))
{'age': ['age must be an integer'],
'department': ['Expecting a value for this field.'],
'gender': ['gender can be either male or female']})

Notice that you can easily override error messages while defining your validator class. Every field type accepts a keyword argument called error which takes a string as a value which shall be used if the field’s value in the payload is invalid.

With fields that have complicated validation logic, one generic error message may not be enough. You can conditionally push additional error messages in your validation functions or methods. Every validation function or method gets a keyword argument called errors which is an array of error messages for that field. You can push error messages in the array easily, like so:

import json

from incoming import datatypes, PayloadValidator

class PersonValidator(PayloadValidator):

name = datatypes.String(error='name must be a string')
age = datatypes.Integer(error='age must be an integer')
gender = datatypes.Function('validate_gender',
error=('gender can be either '
'male or female'))
department = datatypes.Function('validate_department')
github = datatypes.Function('validate_github', required=False)

def validate_gender(self, val, **kwargs):
if val == 'male' or val == 'female':
return True
return False

def validate_department(self, val, **kwargs):
if val in ('engineering', 'marketing', 'sales'):
return True
return False

def validate_github(self, val, payload, errors, **kwargs):
if payload.get('department', None) == 'engineering':
if val is None:
errors.append('Value required for github when '
'department is set to '
return False
elif '' not in val:
errors.append('Value for field github must be a '
'valid Github profile link.')
return False
return True

validator = PersonValidator()
validator.validate(dict(name='Vaidik', age=16, department='engineering'))
{'gender': ['gender can be either male or female'],
'github': ['Invalid data.',
'Value required for github when department is set to "engineering".']})

validator.validate(dict(name='Vaidik', age=16,
{'gender': ['gender can be either male or female'],
'github': ['Invalid data.',
'Value for field github must be a valid Github profile link.']})

validator.validate(dict(name='Vaidik', age=16,
(False, {'gender': ['gender can be either male or female']})

Incoming also has the notion of required fields. By default, all fields are required. If a required field is missing, Incoming reports that in the validation response. For the above validator class, lets try to validate the following payload:

validator.validate(dict(name='Vaidik', age=10))
(False, {'department': ['Expecting a value for this field.']})

By default, Incoming will use the above error message for missing required fields in the payload. This message can be overridden in the class definition by setting a class variable required_error like so:

class PersonValidator(PayloadValidator):

required_error = 'A value for this field must be provided.'

validator.validate(dict(name='Vaidik', age=10))
(False, {'department': ['A value for this field must be provided.']})

The above example shows how you can customize your error messages for missing fields that are required.

Wrap Up

There are many things that I was not able to cover in this blog post. You can find them in the docs.

My personal pains with validating payloads led me to work on Incoming. It seems like a decent solution to me as of now. I tried my best to cover as many use-cases as possible but I will not be surprised if I have missed some. I have tried my best to keep the API as simple, tidy and easy to comprehend as possible with a lot of focus on readability of validators. And I sure will be adding features to Incoming in the near future as the need arises.

Does this look like a decent solutin to you? Would you use it in your next application? Yes or no — I would love to hear your thoughts!

Originally published at



Vaidik Kapoor
Vaidik Kapoor

Engineering Leader, Technology Advisor | Previously, led engineering at Blinkit, Wingify