Big Data Utilization

VAIP Foundation
VAIP Foundation
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2021

This will change vehicle related industry!

VAIP collects various types of car-related information and processes big data through the usage of AI and deep learning, treating it in a fair and transparent manner, there by connecting a wide range of services into one ecosystem, creating a trust-based platform based on the blockchain technology

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In today’s post, we are going to review the Big Data as a whole and also describe how it works in VAIP platform. The Third Industrial Revolution used electronics and information technology to automate the production processes across different industries. However, Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. Apparently, the Big Data is one of the main aspects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Big Data

Recently, the automotive industry is rapidly increasing its use of big data. Unlike in the past, when it relied on simple data or experience, many manufacturers actively utilize big data to develop new cars or provide new services. Thanks to this, efficiency and productivity have been greatly improved. We can reduce the loss of unnecessary time and resources and make choices and concentrations. At the same time, M.E.C.A. (Mobility, Electrification, Connectivity, Autonomy) technology has helped us better predict the fast-changing future of the automotive market.

Features of Big Data

  • Volume

Big Data is characterized by ever-changing size, and it’s massive data that includes both text and image data as well as numerical data.

  • Velocity

This means that data generation rate or the rate at which data is generated, today’s digital data must be generated very quickly and processed in real time for data collection, storage, analysis, and analyzing data.

  • Variety

Data is categorized as structured, semi-structured, and unstructured, and unstructured data accounts for 90%.

  • Veracity

The level of trust that you can give to your data. As the quality or accuracy of data has a significant impact on performance, you need to increase the reliability of your data.

  • Value

Data has unique value. The value of big data is related to data accuracy and time.

Value of Utilizing Big Data

  1. Big data predicts the future through pattern analysis based on real world data. Provide a variety of scenarios and simulations to gain insight and flexibility by considering multiple situations.
  2. Analyze data to detect anomalies. Increase transparency and reduce costs in national and corporate management by supporting real-time decision making through rapid analysis of issues.
  3. It creates a new service based on artificial intelligence. Discover next-generation business models to gain competitiveness in the enterprise through reputation and trend analysis.
  4. Discover new knowledge through combination between different fields. It minimizes error through correlation understanding and enables the creation of a new convergence market by utilizing vast amounts of data.

About VAIP

VAIP is a blockchain-based Vehicle Data AI Platform. VAIP is built on the basis of the vehicle data and automotive industry data. VAIP tokens are used to make the ecosystem sustainable. And vehicle data is an asset and a resource that produces enormous value. The VAIP ecosystem collects various kinds of automotive information and processes it into Big Data through AI and Deep Learning, thereby connecting the wide range of services into an ecosystem that is a trust-based ecosystem on the foundation of blockchain technology.

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