The Mining Machines are like a Child | Vol. 1

Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2020

February 17, 2020 | Life of a Miner Diary Series

(Figure 1) Yes, miners CAN look this cool.

In the first of this diary series of experiencing the joys and sorrow of a miner’s life, we will give an introduction to our notable miner operator, Feiyang, who has been with the team for years managing the construction and operations of our mining farms across China.

Meet Feiyang

Feiyang is one of the very few female miners in the mining landscape in China. A minority one could say, but at the same time, a diamond in the ruff who has put in the sweat and tears of managing our mining farms for years keeping them in the condition where they are today. Her nickname is 黄金圣斗士, which means, Golden Saint, but we will address her by Feiyang in these series for simplicity.

“What happens at the mine can greatly affect the computing power of the entire network and subtly can affect a person’s attitude towards life.” -Feiyang

Where are you originally from?

I hail from the land of the pandas, that is Sichuan of course. So it was a natural transition and introduction for me to join the mining space as I was already quite intrigued with it through acquaintances.

(Figure 2) An image captured by Feiyang showing the skeleton of a mining farm being built near a mountainside in Sichuan Province.

Which mining farms do you work out of?

I have worked on all of our mining farms. From the scouting of land, to the development and construction, to our daily operations,…all of it. But currently working at our Inner Mongolia mines. As my role is quite demanding, wherever a mine needs help, I’m there.

(Figure 3) Overseeing the construction of a mining farm is just one of Feiyang’s duties.

Which is the biggest gain you take away from working in the mines?

The biggest gain that I have come to know working in this space so far is the group of men and women that I come across and work with. Although it is our mining rigs that are cranking out the hashes and receiving the rewards, it is our people that give life to these whistling man made machines. Moreover, it gives me great pride whenever the men I first encounter become so surprised when seeing a woman working at a mining farm.

(Figure 4) Feiyang inspecting the water curtains, which help to cool down the miners during the hot summers China experiences.

If you could describe what you do to someone else, how would you describe it?

A stay-at-home parent haha. The mining machine is like a child. It won’t work if it is too cold or too hot. It will be sick and ill. The operation and maintenance personnel at the scene are like their parents. Regardless of the situation, through rain or snow, you should go and see what is wrong and figure out how to solve it.

(Figure 5) Desperate times call for desperate measures. A situation experienced in our Inner Mongolia farm where excess electricity for heat was not available. Had to layer up somehow.

More to come from Feiyang as we continue with this diary series! Keep following and let us know if you have any questions for her!




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