FBI and IC3 combat cyber-attacks and how you can help.

Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2024

The FBI is a Federal agency that is focused on protecting the American people from a variety of threats and prosecuting major crimes, including cyber-attacks in the digital world. The FBI leverages the Internet Crime Complaint Center or IC3 as a mechanism to gather intelligence on internet crime and to provide the public with information, services, support, training, and leadership to stay ahead of existing and emerging threats.

While the role of IC3 is quite large, the primary four functions of IC3 are collection, analysis, public awareness, and referrals. This includes responsibilities such as:

-collecting complaint referrals, conducting various research and analysis, overseeing the freezing of assets,

-providing a central hub to alert the public,

-partnering with the private sector and with local, state, federal, and international agencies,

-hosting a remote access database for all law enforcement with the FBI’s LEEP website;

-and hosting a Portal were the public can report internet crime at www.ic3.gov.

In 2023, the losses due to investment scams was the worst crime tracked by the IC3. Investment fraud rose from $3.31 billion in 2022 to $4.57 billion in 2023, a 38% increase. Within that number is investment fraud related to cryptocurrency, which rose from $2.57 billion in 2022 to $3.94 billion in 2023, an increase of 53%. In addition to the investment scams, ransomware was also a significant digital crime in 2023. The IC3 received 2,825 complaints identified as ransomware attacks with adjusted losses of more than $59.6 million. Out of the 2,825 complaints, 1,193 of the complaints belonged to critical infrastructure sectors. Information technology had 137 reported complaints and financial services had 122 reported complaints.

At ValidEntry, we value the security of your digital assets, both in terms of cryptocurrency holdings as well as Intellectual Property and developed software. Our team can empower yours with user access management tools specifically designed for Web 3.0 applications and decentralized applications (dApps). Our platform allows for tailored levels of granularity in user access control. This customization encompasses features like zero-knowledge proof KYC for dApps, which can enhance user privacy while ensuring the security and integrity of the decentralized ecosystem. If you or your company suspect that you have been a victim of a cyber-crime please visit www.ic3.org and report the incident. Also visit us at our website www.validentry.com for more information on our services.


