How to claim your KSM (Kusama Network)

2 min readNov 16, 2019

So what is Kusama Network?

Kusama is an early, unaudited and unrefined release of Polkadot. In other words, it is a canary network for Polkadot experiments including governance, staking, nomination, validation functionality in a real environment.

The genesis distribution of KSM will be exactly as for DOT: if you purchased DOTs in the sale then you own an equal share of the Kusama network.

Below are the steps to claim your KSM, you will need to use 2 tools, namely and Mycrypto (For your ETH account that holds DOTs) along the way.

1) Create/generate a Kusama account, if you have not done so.

a) Recommend to use Check the top right, it should be showing as Kusama CC2 network, If the network is not Kusama CC2, you can change the network from the settings tab.

b) Add/Create an account by giving it a name, keep your seed safe (mnemonic seed), set a password. Advanced options leave as default, keypair crypto type should be sr25519.

c) click save and create and backup account.


  • You can also generate your account using subkey CLI.
  • if you have created an account in other Substrate compatible network like Edgeware, you can use the same account on Kusama CC2 network if you want to.

2) Claim your KSM, go to

3) Select your KSM account (keep the backup safe), that you have just created on step 1. Click continue then leave it here first.

4) Using your ETH address, that has DOTs (participated in Polkadot dutch auction ICO back in the year 2017) with MyCrypto (you can use the MyCrypto Desktop App, as it is safer)

5) Click “Sign & Verify Message” tab, it will prompt you to unlock your ETH wallet.

6) Copy below to Message text box
Pay KSMs to the Kusama account:<hex-encoded public key of your Kusama account, minus the 0x prefix>

7) Click “Sign Message”, you will get a JSON output. Copy them to Pokjadot JS UI (stopped in step 3) then click “Confirm Claim”

8) You should see a success message

After you have claim your KSM, it is time to read and learn more about Polkadot and Kusama.

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Blockchain/Cryptocurrency and Poker enthusiast. Enjoy going to gym to stay fit and healthy.