Overview of the Wanchain Ecosystem

8 min readOct 4, 2019


  • Wanchain.org is the main website for all things Wanchain. You can find the Wanchain whitepaper, the vision video, roadmap, team members, partners, contact information, details of how the protocol works, and links out to all of the items we’re about to explore. This is where any newcomers should go first to learn about Wanchain.


  • ExploreWanchain.org is where you’ll want to go when you feel ready to get a bit more technical. It’s a very clean site to find anything you want to learn about very quickly. It’s basically a stripped down version of Wanchain.org with more technical information included pertaining to supported tokens, wallets, tools, Galaxy Proof-of-Stake, smart contracts, and community building.


  • For casual users of the Wanchain network, you may never have to visit WanStats.io. But if you’re interested in running a validator node to earn rewards from Galaxy Proof-of-Stake, WanStats has all the in-depth technical information you need about the network in real time. You can get a ton of useful information here about online nodes, block propagation, block height, epochs, gas limits, and anything else that has to do with the details of the network.


  • While WanStats mostly pertains to high-level information about nodes on the network, WanScan gives users information about transactions, blocks, and low level statistics about validator nodes. You can come here to check transaction history, recent blocks, staking return percentages, and node statistics.

Wanchain Staking

  • Wanchain transitioned from a Permissioned Proof-of-Work algorithm to a much faster, greener, and more efficient Galaxy Proof-of-Stake algorithm in September 2019. This has allowed the network to perform much smoother and decentralized than ever before. Anyone can participate in the decentralization of the network and be rewarded for it! If you have 50,000 WAN or more, you can run a Delegating Validator node. With 10,000 WAN, you can run a Non-Delegating Validator node. But with only 100 WAN, you can still delegate your WAN to another node, such as Validators.online(currently charging 0% staking fees, and has been taking part in Wanchain staking since the PoS alpha and beta testnets early in 2019), and earn ~11–15% annually(depending on total WAN staked on the network). Participating in the network benefits everyone. Download the Desktop Light Wallet or the Wanchain Mobile Wallet to begin staking right away.

Wanchain Staking Calculator

To get an estimate how many WAN you will earn in rewards through staking annually, visit calculator.wandevs.org. The rewards are expected to be between 10–15% annually, but this can very depending on how many WAN are being staked on the network at any given time and the validator node fee.

Wanchain Vision Video

  • The Wanchain Vision video was released in July of 2019. The video features Wanchain CEO, Jack Lu, laying out the vision for his company that was inspired by the technological explosion at the dawn of the internet in the 1980s. He compares how the internet was created(using Wide Area Networks, or WANs) to how the decentralized blockchain ecosystem must be to be successful. He goes on to explain that all assets will be tokenized on blockchains and that they must have a way to communicate, interact, and transact with each other seamlessly. He believes Wanchain will be the bridge that brings all of those assets together in a decentralized way.

@wanchain_org Twitter

  • The Wanchain Twitter page is the best place to go for the most up-to-date on news, community, promotions, exchange listings, validator nodes, partnerships, and projects being built on top of the Wanchain network. Follow the Wanchain Twitter page here.

Wanchain Mobile Wallet

  • The first version of the Wanchain Mobile Wallet was released alongside PoS in September 2019. While it’s still an early version and lacks many of the features it will show off in future versions(such as private transactions, multi-asset support, etc.), it’s fully functional, sleek, easy to use, and even allows users to stake their coins to the validator of their choice and receive their rewards right from their phone. It will be exciting to see how the mobile wallet evolves as Wanchain grows. Download the Mobile Wallet here.

Wanchain Desktop Wallet

  • The desktop wallet is a much more polished version than its mobile counterpart, likely because the first desktop wallet was released in 2018. It features one of the most beautiful UIs in crypto, multi-asset support, public and private transactions, staking, one-time addresses, hardware wallet support, and important information you need to know about PoS. Download the Desktop Wallet here.

Wanchain Telegram

  • If you have questions about Wanchain or want to get involved in the community, join the Wanchain Telegram. It’s quite active and has fantastic knowledgeable moderators, as well as other community leaders that have stepped up to support the team. Join the Wanchain community here.

Wanchain Reddit

  • The Wanchain Reddit thread is full of important information supplied by the Wanchain team, but also contains valuable discussions and questions by Wanchain users. Follow r/wanchain here.

Wanchain GitHub

  • If you’re a computer geek like many of us in the crypto community, you may want to check out Wanchain’s GitHub page to check out the code and the progress being made by the team. If you’re technically apt, it’d be great to get some community code contributions. Every bit helps to improve the Wanchain ecosystem! Follow Wanchain’s progress on GitHub here.

Wanchain Global Ambassador Program

  • If you’re interested in getting even more involved in the community, consider joining the Global Ambassador Program. Opportunities that can arise from the program include support and funding, professional development, inside exposure to the project, and focus group participation. Potential contributions include, but are not limited to:
  1. Hosting local meetups, workshops, or other initiatives (eligible for reimbursement)
  2. Building online communities in your local language or region
  3. Working on improvements to Wanchain’s documentation, tutorials, or other technical literature
  4. Writing blog posts about Wanchain, interoperability, DeFi, or related topics
  5. Creative/graphic design contributions
  6. Pursuing potential collaboration opportunities that could benefit the Wanchain ecosystem
  7. Participating in and helping moderate community channels (e.g. Telegram)
  8. Developing or porting tools that could benefit Wanchain’s platform
  9. Provide input into strategic decisions via conversations with Wanchain’s lead team
  10. Become a leader among your other Global Ambassador peers in forums such as the Global Ambassador Telegram group where you will be able to share tips and other information with each other.

If you’re interested in participating in the Wanchain Global Ambassador Program, visit this page.


  • MyWanWallet is an online web-based Wanchain wallet that allows users to view balances, send and receive tokens, and stake Wanchain. MyWanWallet gives an array of different options to access your wallet including WanMask, Trezor or Ledger hardware wallets, JSON/Keystore files, mnemonic phrases, or unencrypted private keys. Visit MyWanWallet.io to generate your WAN address.


  • WanMask, a fork of Ethereum’s Metamask, is a browser extension that allows users to easily access their funds in MyWanWallet. It allows users to run Wanchan dApps without having to run and maintain a Wanchain full node. Download the browser extension here.


  • iWan is known as the “Interface to Wanchain.” It supplies users with a number of full node services. You can send and receive WAN or crosschain transactions, get information about fees, tokens, balances, nonces, epochs, or other nodes on the network, as well as subscribing to smart contract events. iWan abstracts away the complexities of running a node from developers building dApps on Wanchain. iWan manages the infrastructure of multiple blockchains seamlessly, allowing developers to focus on developing applications and deploying them quickly. Enter the gateway of the Wanchain Network here.


WanX was built for the sole purpose of helping developers. WanX is a collection of information, functions, and tools to help developers save time and get their dApps up and running as swiftly as possible. Instead of learning how the underlying cross-chain mechanics work and hard code all of the needed smart contract calls, WanX abstracts this away from the developer. All the developer needs to learn is how to interact with the WanX API, making for a smoother and less time consuming development process. With iWan and WanX, developers will have a field day when creating the crosschain applications of the future. Get started on your dApp with WanX here.


WanDevs is the go-to source if you’re looking to start building an application on top of the Wanchain blockchain. It provides documentation, instructions for setting up a Wanchain node, how to send transactions, calling contracts, porting applications, and has opportunities for possible bounties/rewards for helping to build out and improve the Wanchain ecosystem. Learn how WanDevs can help you build your dApp here.

