How The Social Network Movie is Still Relevant Today

Because it’s not that the story is true. It’s that truth is in the story.

Lee G. Hornbrook
The Writing Prof


Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

As a writer, I’m a fan of well-written and well-crafted movies and television and now streaming shows. Some names rise to the top of the quality heap for me, especially the Whedons, the Nolans, the Coen brothers. It’s funny that this trio includes brother writing acts. And now Aaron Sorkin. I admit that I’ve been remiss in watching Sorkin’s work (though I have seen some of his movies but didn’t realize he wrote them), but that will change now that I’ve watched The Social Network.

I’m not a Facebook fan. In fact, I have recently quit Facebook for good and am writing about why I quit Facebook in an essay to come. So that’s part of the reason I hadn’t watched The Social Network. Obviously, Facebook is a force in our lives as big as anything going, as big as Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon, as big as the behemoths I grew up with, such as IBM, Xerox, General Electric, Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors.

What struck me most about The Social Network is the deeply believable caricature of characters that mimic how we view people through a social media lens: The nerd, the Ivy league elitist, the Silicon Valley technopreneur. Sorkin’s masterful portrayal of character through dialogue and…



Lee G. Hornbrook
The Writing Prof

Writer, Writing Coach, Writing Process Expert. I can help you become a better writer. Follow at