What is the Valorize Tokenomics Academy?

Marco Huberts
2 min readJun 20, 2022


By Marco Huberts and Neal Stelmaschuk

Tokenomics is a new and highly technical field that looks into incentive design and mechanisms of token-based ecosystems. It’s also one of the most important elements in cryptocurrency, as it’s responsible for creating value and incentivizing users. The challenge is finding reliable resources about tokenomics — especially as the space evolves so quickly and there are so many new projects entering it every day.

The Valorize Tokenomics Academy is an online hub that is part of Valorize DAO. Everyone, regardless of their background, expertise or experience, can discuss, learn and talk about tokenomics. We believe that the power of information should be in the hands of everyone and not just a few. With this in mind, we have designed a platform where anyone can participate and learn about tokenomics.

During our classes we will cover one specific topic, and at the end your newly gained knowledge will be tested. Sometimes you will need to complete an assignment as well as a test to be able to master the class. After successfully passing the class you will be rewarded with a certificate in the form of a soul-bound token.

Here, a preview of our curriculum consisting of four main topics:

1. Basics

1.1 Economics & Finance Basics (FIAT Economics): Supply & Demand (Equilibrium Price), Synthetic assets & Austrian vs Keynesian vs Modern Monetary Theory

1.2 Protocol Tokens (BTC, ETH, DOT, LUNA…): Securing the network using PoW and PoS, Delegated PoS, Rewarding Validators, Paying for computational resources

2. Application Layer Tokens

2.1 Tokens in Ethereum: Governance, Security, Membership, Utility & Token Velocity Problem in utility tokens

2.2 Non-Fungible Tokens: Access, Membership, Art, Governance & Soul-Bound Tokens

2.3 Stable Tokens: Collateralized, Algorithmic, Regulated

3. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

3.1 Types of DAOs: DeFi DAOs, Liquidity, Investment DAOs, Product DAOs, Social DAOs

3.2 Public Goods: Tragedy of the Commons, Public Goods funding, Quadratic funding, Quadratic voting

4. Token Ecosystem (Decentralized Finance; DeFi)

4.1 Primitives: Bonding Curves, Protocol Liquidity, DeFi Legos, Curve Finance

4.2 AMMs function and implementation: Liquidity Provisioning, Impermanent Loss, Yield Farming, Dual Token Pools (UniSwap), Multi Token Pools (Curve, Balancer), Multi Chain Pools (Bancor)

Join our Discord here and we hope to see you during one of our Valorize Tokenomics Academy classes held biweekly on Monday 6 PM UTC.

P.S. Next year we will have a Tokenomics Academy conference! Look out for that announcement in our discord.

