5 reasons why Microsoft Viva is relevant for internal communications

Elisabeth Stettler
Valtech Switzerland
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

The world of work has gone digital at high speed in the last months and a large proportion of employees does currently work from home. The rapid change has catapulted the tasks of digital employee management, internal communication and collaboration in distributed teams into a new world within a very short time.

Microsoft Viva” is Microsoft’s answer to this change and is clearly shaking up the intranet and internal communication sector. Even though the product is still in its initial stages: it will have a major impact on the reading and usage behavior of your employees in the long term.
We show where it will influence internal communication and which topics will become relevant for intranet managers, publishers and editors.

The modern intranet fully integrated in MS Teams. Source: Microsoft stellt neue Employee Experience Platform Microsoft Viva vor

Five reasons where Microsoft Viva will have a major impact internal communications:

  1. MS Teams hasn’t been relevant to curated, internal communications: that’s changing now.
  2. Visibility of SharePoint community news will improve significantly.
  3. In employee experience the employee king: and it will become convenient for the user: internal communication goes mobile.
  4. Employee Experience: content relevance and personalized content for to the user: SEO will now become an internal topic as well.
  5. Taxonomy and terminology are newly seamlessly integrated into all M365 tools, connecting content, documents and experts across the whole enterprise.

What is Microsoft Viva, anyway?
Simply put, all of the “Microsoft Viva” elements are new add-ons in Microsoft Teams. The bundle consists of four areas that have been newly added to Microsoft Teams:

  • Connections: News and internal communications.
  • Topics: Taxonomy and terminology in “Wikipedia” format.
  • Learning: courses and training from the Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Insights: Analytics and suggestions to improve employee productivity in everyday work.

In internal communication (curation and distribution), Viva Connections and Viva Topics will become particularly relevant. Connections finally closes the existing gap between collaboration and communication. These two elements will quickly change user behavior. From the perspective of an intranet product owner, the product has a strong influence on the strategic positioning of the intranet.

Viva Topics enables Taxonomies. Source: Employee Experience & Engagement | Microsoft Viva

