Congratulations Raphael Schwarz for your Sitecore Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Ambassador Award 2018!

Adrian Stauffer
Valtech Switzerland
1 min readApr 23, 2018

Sitecore MVP is highly recognized award which rewards the effort of an individual spent into sharing knowledge and expertise within the Sitecore community.

Raphael was awarded Sitecore MVP Ambassador 2018 due to his exceptional contribution towards the delivery of Sitecore projects for internet, intranet and portals. It took Raphael continuous engagement and effort in the Sitecore community, at clients, with peers and Sitecore representatives to establish his first time Sitecore MVP award. Always having the client in mind, he aims to know the latest Sitecore capabilities to match client needs.

Congratulation to this great achievement! Go find Raphael Schwarz on Linkedin and leave a congratulation message!



Adrian Stauffer
Valtech Switzerland

Senior Software Architect at Infocentric Research AG, passionate developer, coffee enthusiast and proud father