How to build your Sitecore Marketing and IT Team

By: Sitecore MVP Glen McInnis

Valtech — Sitecore experts since 2008
2 min readJul 8, 2016


Planning a Sitecore implementation? Ensure that you have the right team with the necessary skills to make the most of the platform. Download our Sitecore skills matrix PDF:

The following skills matrices are provided as a guide so that you can construct project and operations teams with the skill set required to support Sitecore.

When constructing a team, its generally recommended that your organization consider the principles of the “T-Shaped” resource. That is, individuals should have a broad understanding of the area and deep expertise in one or two areas. This allows for a shared understanding amongst a team of individuals and is generally considered to result in greater efficiency, while providing greater opportunity for cross training. The completeness of the skill set may be fulfilled by drawing on resources from multiple teams (Communications, Marketing, IT, etc.).

Matrix organization

  • A column in the matrix represents a functional area
  • The top most row in any column is the base level knowledge in the functional area
  • The last row represents the most advanced knowledge/skill in the functional area

Sitecore Skills Matrix

Get the right team for the job:

Download our Sitecore Skills Matrix

Skills matrix table of contents

This downloadable PDF will help plan teams for all elements of your Sitecore project, including:

  • User experience design (operational and project)

Strategy, business context analysis, user experience planning, usabiity engineering, information architecture interaction design, visuals, research and computer science

  • Development and architecture

Content API, content search API, integrations and widgets, pipelines and data providers, events and commands, workflow, security, infrastructure and development practices

  • Content authors

Content and media, personalization, targeting, testing, reporting, Web Forms for Marketers and development

  • Sitecore publication troubleshooting

Versioning, workflow, restrictions, verification and rollback

  • Sitecore security troubleshooting

Access viewer, roles, workflow and inheritance

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Valtech — Sitecore experts since 2008

Valtech is a full-service digital agency. Our staff of 2,500 operates from 36 offices around the world.