What is it like to be the CMO of a middle-sized national company?

And what does it take to do that job?

Silas Mähner
Value Creation


Some imagery that matches with the conclusion of this article.

Yesterday I interviewed the CMO of a mid-sized national company.

Here is a brief recap of how it went, and the valuable pieces of information that you can apply to your life.

“Being a CMO is not what a lot of people think it is.” ~ Dan Egan.

Question 1.

What does the role entail in terms of day to day activities?”

Because I understand you are busy I will make it very to the point. It involves a lot of communication. Keeping the team on track and making sure the third party agencies are on track.

Question 2.

Why is this particular role important to the overall health and success of the business?”

This role is essential because without customers there is no business. If no leads are generated then there will be no business to conduct. The CMO is in charge of making sure the right amount of customers are filling the pipeline. Not too many and not too few.

Question 3.

“What is the hardest part of the role?”



Silas Mähner
Value Creation

ClimateTech Headhunter | Host - The CleanTechies Podcast | Amateur Futballer | Pizza Reviewer | Promoter of Catholics in Business