Renaming Value Stock Guide to Astute Investor’s Calculus

Shailesh Kumar
Astute Investor
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2 min readMay 18, 2024


A quick note to announce the change in Value Stock Guide publication on Medium. The publication is now Astute Investor and it has a newsletter to go with it called Astute Investor’s Calculus.

This change is necessary as my investment strategy has changed (for the better). Still a value investor at heart, I am embracing well-researched and proven ideas to enhance a value portfolio, including factors, strategic diversification and rebalancing to harvest volatility, etc. The idea is twofold:

  1. Use various strategies to enhance and amplify portfolio returns, while,
  2. Reducing volatility and drawdowns in the portfolio significantly to smooth out returns.

As a pure value investor, I used to take volatility in stride, treating it as a necessary evil: something to endure with discipline. The shift in strategy means that I now use volatility to my advantage to add incremental compounding returns. The new strategy does this without devolving into market timing.

Is this something you will be interested to learn about?

If yes, then I will be happy to send you new articles discussing these topics. You need to do nothing.

If you do not believe that efficient market hypothesis (lower case by intention) can be beaten soundly and consistently, please feel free to unsubscribe.

Yours Truly,

Shailesh Kumar

PS. Here are a couple of articles I recently published that will get you introduced to some of the ideas I will be wrting about:

  1. How to Build a Diversified Portfolio — Key Asset Allocation Strategies
  2. Why Gold is a Must Have for Smart Investors

