Status and strategic goals for the 2018

Jonne Heikkinen
The Hands-on Advisors
3 min readDec 11, 2017

As of this date, Fourkind is a 11 weeks old company. That might sound like that we are just taking our first steps. However we are already executing our strategy at full speed. We are determined to build a globally credible consultancy company that can convincingly leverage emergent capabilities and technologies in all business domains.

Today we are 13 hard-boiled consultants on a mission. It is incredible what a dozen or so people are capable of when they share the same goals and ethics but have different skill sets.

I want to highlight a few of the achievements that we are proud of:

  • we are working very closely with six ambitious clients
  • we are able to attract impressive talent
  • we are a firmly profitable company from the second month onwards

Moreover, we are actually working with the likes of cases that we wanted to work with when we built this company. Cases ranging from, for example, AI strategies and value stream design to hands-on implementation. We are truly becoming first hands-on advisory company as we can shift seamlessly from strategy to design and eventually implementing the solutions with moral hazard guarantee. That means we do not maximize man days per customer, but rather we focus on delivering tangible results. In practise, this stands for e.g. that we collaborate openly with other consulting companies if it is for the benefit of our customer, and their customer. This is something that we are very proud of and stand by firmly.

What is more important is the fact how much we are enjoying doing this together, as a team. And what a team it is! Hungry, ambitious — but one that does not take itself too seriously.

Now that we are up to speed — thanks to our customers who have placed trust in us — it is time for us to start looking forward for the upcoming year 2018.

2018 objectives

We would like to share our goals to you dear reader, and shed some light on how we are going to reach them. We believe that by doing so it will help us to find the talent, partners and customers who want to get into the action themselves.

We have three main objectives for 2018:

  1. Build trust with our current customers
  2. Expand to new markets
  3. To grow

First of all, our distinctive characteristic as a company is complete honesty and integrity to results. Our most important goal during 2018 is to continue creating competitive edge for our customers. Consultancy business is a trust business. Therefore, our reputation, success, brand, quality and cases are all dependant on whether our customers see us as a trusted partner or not. We believe that trust stems from honesty and results.

We are born global. In the current world there are no real restrictions or barriers for working with clients around the globe. At the moment we are already working with clients outside Finland, but we are looking for new markets to start building a larger presence in. At this very moment, we are having discussions with new future partners in different continents about building a new Fourkind site. For us that would mean faster learning and bigger impact. For our clients that stands for more experts available throughout the globe.

Our third goal is growth. By the end of 2018 we will be at least 30 consultants in total. We see growth as a mechanism that enables us to create bigger impact and tackle larger challenges. However, it must not happen with the expense of quality and should not be done in haste. We could be more than 60 consultants in one year with ease, however that is not the business we are building. Instead, each one of the new Fourkind member represents the brightest thinking with tendency to action. You know, the kind of people who are able to create the kind of change in companies today that Gartner and alike predict happening in 2025.

If you feel like our goals align with yours or we would benefit from doing business together, please do not hesitate to contact. I know, it’s a bit early, but someone has to take the burden of being first: I wish you all happy holidays and a very successful year ahead!

