Impact of Cloud Computing on EdTech

Akanksha Mishra
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2022

Remote learning and digital lesson plans have pushed demand for robust IT systems, mainly cloud computing. Cloud is the technological paradigm which fosters computing deliverables such as networking, database systems, software, using remote servers, storage systems, and other digital facilities powered by the internet.

Cloud computing has created significant advantages for education, from K-12 to university institutions. Cloud technology enables effortless imparting of lessons and instructions, possibility of online classes, and helping students with online projects and programs. Due to robust security, usage mechanisms and flexible storage, cloud is seen as a widely accepted and most used technology.

Cloud impact on edtech

Digitalization of education mainly involves incorporating a convenient system with lesser human involvement. When we talk about education digitization, we point towards bringing learning processes out from the classrooms, and into home or anywhere. The idea behind remote learning and higher education is to shrink the distance and make learning more convenient, comfortable, and mainly online. Following points summarize cloud computing’s impact on education.

Connectivity- Cloud enables edtech companies, a liberty of customization and sharing all files easily. It enables edtech companies to share data like course videos, lessons, online classes, media, apps and files conveniently with the end user. Cloud impacts education when it brings together a huge library of digital resources.

Real-time Collaboration- Remote education and e-learning is not possible without real-time collaboration between different aspects. Cloud computing helps in leveraging real-time support through API integrations and diverse apps. It allows instructors to create high-end management portals and processing power with virtual classes. Cloud also enables collaboration amongst different stakeholders, such as teachers, students and parents- all of whom can remain on the same page at one time.

Bulk resources and recorded class- Cloud computing enables instructors to share recorded class sessions, video lectures, tests and assignments, e-books, notes, and other digital study resources with a large audience at the same time. Also, cloud technology comes with flexibility to make changes in the number of learners at any time without hassle.

Accessibility and resource availability- Cloud makes education available 24x7x365. Not only does cloud technology make resources available and accessible at any time, it also enables learners to see changes in a dynamic manner. To ensure that the data integrity remains intact, cloud makes use of WCAG or Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Cost saving- Direct impact of cloud on edtech is upfront cost reduction due to tools integration and apps management easily. Institutes do not need additional technicians and staff to manage bulk resources. Also, cloud helps edtech in saving cost on support, hardware requirements, power, and licenses.


Impact of cloud for edtech implies diverse geolocation, mobility, scalability, flexibility in usage and cost, and accessibility, among other benefits. Therefore, the future of edtech lies on cloud computing.



Akanksha Mishra

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