First BTC and ZEC bridge on BSC

Deployed by Value DeFi; Powered by RenVM.

Value Prod
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2021


Key Points:

  1. First native RenVM integration on Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
  2. First Zcash stableswap pool: renZEC/ZEC-B.
  3. Third renBTC stableswap pool on Binance Smart Chain: renBTC/BTCB.
  4. First renZEC liquidity mining program

Link to Bridge:

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Value DeFi and Ren Protocol will combine their resources to bring BTC and ZEC directly to Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Ren recently added BSC support to RenVM and released RenBridge 2, designed to easily bridge BTC, ZEC, DOGE, etc to other chains. Using this bridge, users can easily convert any amount of native BTC, etc to renBTC BEP-20 and vice versa.

As a result of this partnership, Value DeFi has implemented the first of its kind RenVM bridge on BSC to enable users to earn yield on their Bitcoin holdings swiftly and on the same platform.


ZCash Stableswap Pool | renZEC <-> ZEC-B

The first ZEC stableswap pool in history is now live on BSC. It allows users to trade renZEC to ZEC-B at very low slippage, along with providing ZEC holders an opportunity to earn yield on their assets with little risk of impermanent loss.

Bitcoin Stableswap Pool | renBTC <-> BTCB

To further bootstrap $BTC on BSC, the Value DeFi team has launched a renBTC <-> BTCB stableswap pool. This has all the attributes needed to jumpstart liquidity within the BSC ecosystem.

Incentives And Rewards

Those who provide liquidity will earn both trading fees, as well as extra yield in ZEC and BTC during the yield farming campaign.

Our Partnership with Ren

In addition to BTC and ZEC stable pools, Value DeFi and Ren will be exploring native RenVM integration via RenJS, which will allow direct deposits and withdrawals of real BTC and ZEC into the Value DeFI Platform, a first for Binance Smart Chain!

The end product of this partnership is to enable a seamless option for DeFi users to deposit/withdraw BTC, ZEC, directly onto BSC to receive high yield. By using Value DeFi’s tech and products, this process will have very low slippage and minimal fees. Therefore maximizing profits and user accessibility in the process.

How to use the Bridge?

After going to you will be required to sign into your BSC account (we highly recommend Metamask). Here you will be offered 2 options, minting and releasing.

Minting (left):

Enter how much renBTC you wish to create (mint). After confirming the amount and expected fees, simply click the bottom button View BTC Gateway Address. You will be provided an address to send your real BTC. After sending this BTC, you will receive your renBTC.

Releasing (right):

Enter how much renBTC you wish to unwrap (Release). After confirming the amount and expected fees, enter the Bitcoin address where you wish to send your released BTC.

