The Complete Guide to Partnerships for Startups & Corporations

Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2019

Nowadays, small businesses are growing fast. We live in a revolutionary digital era, where disruptors from all around the world enter the market with new and innovative ideas on daily basis. If corporations do not act fast, they will miss an opportunity. They will encounter a situation where they will risk losing their position on the market. Large corporations have changed the way they look at startups. They do not see competition, they see opportunity. By partnering up, a corporation not only erases the threat from the market, but it also gains the opportunity to grow.

Why partnerships are highly beneficial for your company?

Startups like Airbnb and Uber have proved to the big players how dangerous new business concepts can be. Corporations that have not reacted fast enough lose the fight. Large corporations have two choices when a new company enters the market. They can choose to merge their efforts and work together or they can lead risky, time and money consuming competition against them.

It is a win-win situation when startups and corporations decide to collaborate. The startup offers innovative ideas meanwhile corporations provide the necessary resources. Even so, the partnership differs from case to case. And you will certainly encounter many barriers along the way. For example, the different company cultures, communication styles, and working methods will cause issues if not handled correctly. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to take time and think through the conditions and expectations of both parties.

It is necessary for large corporations to keep abreast of upcoming trends. This is a crucial aspect when operating a business and can often go unnoticed. But keeping up to date by analyzing and identifying opportunities doesn’t have to be difficult.

If you don't know how, or where to find startups fitting your needs, Valuer can help. Valuer is an aggregation tool and platform used by corporates to stay up to date with the latest startups to hit the market. It gives corporations, accelerators, investors, and enterprises the chance to select the best startups for partnership, collaboration or investment.

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