Giving your values a voice: is live!

Solutions Movement Team
The Solutions Movement
2 min readJun 10, 2022

We moved out of stealth mode, revealing details about our values-based ecosystem that allows Community Members to subscribe to Certifications that filter the content and commercials they receive to align with their personal values. Visit our new website at

The Values Movement is important because it gives your values a voice to play an active role in your life. That means making decisions that reflect our values relating to the people, pursuits, and causes that we care about most.

Profit-driven Algorithms vs. Values

Much of what we see and interact with is chosen by profit-driven algorithms. These are designed to make us pay attention to and buy things that we may (or may not) really want or need, regardless of our values. Meanwhile, there is a complete lack of transparency around the goods and services we buy. It’s time to build an economy driven by humanity’s shared values.

Introducing The Values Movement

We believe that individuals know what they want. Marketing agencies and brands don’t. Most of us want more than great deals — we long to make the world a better place. The Values Movement gives every consumer not only a voice in what they see and interact with online, but influence over touchpoints — news, ads, products, and more — in the global economy.

We believe the future will be defined by a Human Economy — a values-driven system that prioritizes people over profit, where we take control of our time, attention, and data in order to improve the world economy and our lives. We need to move away from a system where we give our time, attention, and personal information away for free, and towards a system where people can effortlessly make purposeful decisions.

Join the Human Economy

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