Values Movement: Drive change with your community’s shared values

Solutions Movement Team
The Solutions Movement
3 min readJul 8, 2022

Can we amplify our ethics and values by distributing power to more people? It comes as no surprise that we’re very splintered today. Our shared cultural and social traditions have been fractured from spending so much of our lives engaging and dealing with misinformation and hostility online. Our common values seem submerged, inaccessible.

Fortunately, decentralization — whether social or financial — no longer has to mean disconnection or powerlessness.

Restoring Community

The Values Movement provides a way for people in diverse circumstances and distant locations to subscribe to common Certifications, enabling them to act as communities. Their shared values, as embodied in the Certifications that matter to them, can create real change in the global economy. After all, it’s through communal action that positive relationships develop and change comes about. We wouldn’t have had child labor laws, universal suffrage, or a civil rights movement without communities taking action.

Simply put, the Values Movement will ultimately give consumers the information they need to make both personal and group purchasing decisions that align with their shared values — restoring the power of community to effect positive change to the economy. And it motivates companies to include these values as a vital part of their business model.

Picture Elise, a corporate lawyer who works out of her four-bedroom house in a suburb of a Midwestern city. Her son and daughter attend a private school that owns a farm in a rural part of the state, where students spend two weeks each year. They come home with fresh-picked vegetables they helped grow.

But Elise gets most of her groceries from a big-box supermarket on the edge of town, and more likely than not it’s Lorenzo who delivers them on his eBike. Lorenzo makes dozens of deliveries over the course of each stressful, low-paying day. He takes extra shifts, usually working six days a week to support his children and make ends meet.

Different Circumstances, Common Values

Elise and Lorenzo may inhabit different ends of the socioeconomic spectrum, but both want healthy food and a healthy environment for their children to grow up in. Both would like to make a difference in the future of the planet. They’d like to know, for example, that the products they buy — whether food, toys, clothes, Lorenzo’s new eBike, or the computer hardware in Elise’s new home security system — are produced in environmentally sustainable facilities, and by workers who can afford to feed their families healthy food.

Through the Values Movement, Elise and Lorenzo will both have easy access to that information. So will everyone else who shares their values. The Values Movement uses emergent technology to empower humanity’s shared values in the global economy. It’s an ecosystem that makes it easy for consumers to connect, interact, and share their values and preferences across multiple areas of life.

It lets advertisers, businesses, and the media know what matters to Members (consumers), and how to align their products, services, and content with Members’ values.

It gives people, whatever their circumstances or abilities, the information they need to act collectively and put to work the ways we already live and interact — what we buy, where we work, even how we use social media — to make change happen.

Creating communities of shared values opens a new way to connect and take meaningful action. The Values Movement gives these Values Communities the tools they need to make their values actionable on a scale that makes a difference.

Join the human economy! Learn how the Values Movement empowers communities to impact their world through technology.


