Top 5 Blogging Myths From User's Perspective — Busted

Vamsee Angadala
Vamsee Angadala
Published in
5 min readApr 1, 2020


Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels

Back in my days, blogging was just a hobby. All we did was share our insights on things that matter to us, but it’s different now. Though it does serve a meaningful purpose in providing valuable information to users, it has a dark side too. Over the past few years, Bloggers are using different ways to attract users [the audience], by showing their income reports, and making them buy their eBooks, but do they help users? Today, I’ll debunk the top 5 blogging myths that have been crawling around for many years.

Before going to bust the blogging myths, let me tell a few things to whoever reading this. Firstly, these myths are purely based on a general user [non-blogger] perspective, and it is just to make them aware of how some bloggers use wrong ways & methods to make money. So, if you’re one of them, you may get hurt with my answers, and if you are a general user [wanna be a blogger] go ahead and continue reading this article to be aware of these blogging myths! Now, let me start debunking the top 5 blogging myths that I have come across many times.

Top 5 Blogging Myths — Busted Now!

1. Do bloggers generate a 4-figure income [in dollars] per month? Are those income reports real?

They do earn and not. I know it’s confusing for you, so let me put this straight.

You might have heard of a few names in the blogging community who have been running successful blogs for like 8+ years. Yes, these bloggers are generating 4-figure income per month, and few of them share their real income reports. But, you should also see investment and ROI.

Leave those experienced bloggers, and other bloggers just following the top blogger’s methods and showcase themselves as one of them and share their income reports. You can also see them sharing their AdSense earnings over social media. Well, these are just to fool you!

If they are earning a 4-figured income, they would be the next top millionaires but did you see anyone belonging to this group becoming one?

I’ll just leave this for you, but from my end, this blogging myth Is busted.

2. Do those eBooks help me make money?

So, you come across many blogs promoting their eBooks to provide the most successful methods to make money? Well, I guess you have bought a few and tried too, but failed miserably, Isn’t it?

Let me put this straight –

I don’t believe in eBooks, and all those eBooks contain methods from already published articles. Most of them are either based on already available information or just a spin-off from other top blogger eBooks.

I don’t understand why users are still falling for the eBooks showing you specific methods to be successful in blogging & making money. Seriously? Did you see anyone become successful with those eBooks? I cannot explain everything that’s wrong with their eBooks, but one thing is for sure –

If I had a business idea that’s generating me million dollars, I wouldn’t give it away just like that for some $19 or $39 unless I see a saturation, or I’m planning to cheat.

Again, I’ll just leave this for you to think over, but from my end, this blogging myth is debunked.

3. Can I just join their online courses and become a digital marketing expert? [They are saying, so?]

What are these bloggers going to teach you in their online courses, which a simple Google search can’t?

Again, you need to open your eyes and look at what’s happening. Technically speaking, a lot of information is already available for free, and there are many courses you can just sign up to get a certificate.

From what I heard, all those online courses that bloggers [or those who set up their own companies] offer have the same video tutorials that are already available online for free. It seems you are just paying to watch them. It doesn’t make any sense to explain more, as you can see that you’re being cheated.

By the way, there’s a difference between a firm offering digital marketing courses to what bloggers offer. While taking up a course in an institute, you should check whether they have Google partners’ certification or not. Coming to the bloggers offering courses/secret methods/tricks etc. — just ignore them.

4. Is that traffic for real? Seriously, a million hits in a day?

Well, it’s both real and imaginary. Real — in a sense, it can be a niche blog/event blog, and as the trend heats up, it does receive an enormous amount of traffic, but it won’t be a million hits a day. Also, it’s not child’s play, and a lot of effort is required to find the keywords, rank them up and make them go viral, etc. So, yeah! The traffic thing is real, but it’s not a million hits a day. But, you should also see that once the trend goes down, there will be no audience for that site.

Besides niche blog/event blog if someone claims to own a blog that’s getting a million hits, take a garland and put it over him because you just found a competitor to the Internet’s top websites.

5. 9 out of 10 Bloggers are getting into Tech Blogging, Can I be One?

Hahaha! Yes, Tech Blogging is high these days.

Just like engineers around every corner in your street, you can find tech bloggers now! [who were engineers once]

The apparent reason is — it is straightforward to start with, as you’ve been using mobiles and laptops and were born in the so-called internet generation and being the most brilliant minds of this decade, yes! You can become a tech blogger quickly. 😏

Jokes apart, let me tell you what’s happening inside.

People are just calling themselves tech bloggers with a blog that talks only about smartphones & reviews. In reality, there’s no proper name/group to call them. They neither fall under Gadget Reviewers [as they don’t do any of the reviews, but make them using other site information] nor Tech Bloggers [as they may not know about the technology that is powering the gadgets but rewrites press releases, copy stuff from forums, etc.]

So, if you want to be one, I would say hold on for a second and see yourself being one of them. Do you see any future?

I guess this blogging myth is also busted. Now, it’s time to put a full stop, nope. I will update this article again when I hear some more tales from users.

Note: This article was first published on my blog dated November 22, 2016, and republished here.

