Vamshi Mokshagundam
Vamshi Mokshagundam
3 min readFeb 2, 2016


Siftery raises $4 million to help companies better decide which software tools to use

Today Ayan Barua and I are proud to announce that Siftery closed our $4M seed round from some of the foremost investors and operators in the enterprise software space.

Siftery helps companies better discover software they should buy, with recommendations based on their current stack and what similar companies are using. In a short period of six months, we have gathered the most complete dataset of what products are used by which companies (we track over 6,000 products across over 140,000 companies).

As Auren discussed last week, Siftery’s goal is to help business professionals navigate the abundance of software choices. We launched Siftery publicly last week and quickly became one of the most popular items on Product Hunt. We’d like to thank the Product Hunt community for all your support, advice, and help. We now have already helped thousands of companies research and discover software for their business. One of my favorite stories is from Eddie Siegel (CTO of TapFwd):

“While I was filling out our company profile, Siftery suggested that we might be interested in MixRank. We were actually in the market for a tool to help with our sales outreach efforts, so the timing was great. I hadn’t heard of MixRank, but I set up a demo based on Siftery’s recommendation and it ended up being a really good fit for us. We also then went back to Siftery and used their database of products to find all of the relevant alternatives to MixRank so that we could make sure that we were making the right choice, and Siftery uncovered a bunch of alternatives that I hadn’t found by googling and asking around. Ultimately we ended up signing up for MixRank, which I probably wouldn’t have heard of if it weren’t for Siftery’s recommendation.”

Siftery is also helping companies discover best practices for software. For instance, Siftery gives an overview of what tools the top Unicorns use.

A special thank you to all of Siftery’s investors in our seed round — we are so lucky to have the who’s who in the enterprise software world backing us.


8 Partners, Accelerator Ventures, AME Cloud Ventures, Draper Nexus, Felicis Ventures, Founders Fund, Vast Ventures, Venrock


Adam D’Angelo (CEO of Quora), Magid Abraham (Chairman of comScore), Safi Bahcall, Ethan Beard, Eric Di Benedetto, David Eisenberg, Scott Faber, Russ Fradin (CEO of Dynamic Signal), Mark Gerson (Chairman of Gerson Lehrman Group), Russell Glass (CEO of Bizo), Jonah Goodhart (CEO of Moat), Kevin Hartz (CEO of Eventbrite), Ron Hirson (Head of Product at Docusign), Auren Hoffman, Scott Howe (CEO of Acxiom), Daisuke Iwasa, Warren Jenson (CFO of Acxiom), Peter Kellner, Will Lansing (CEO of FICO), Michael Lazerow, Sam Lessin, Jeremy Lizt (Cofounder of LiveRamp), Kevin Mahaffey (CTO, Lookout), Micky Malka, Travis May (President of LiveRamp), Patrick McKenna, Nick Mehta (CEO of Gainsight), David Nemetz, Itamar Novick, Brian O’Kelley (CEO of AppNexus), Mark Organ (CEO of Influitive), Kim Perell (CEO of Amobee), Jeremy Philips, Julia Popowitz, Joanna Rees, Eric Ries, Grant Ries (fmr CRO of BlueKai), Eric Roza (CEO of Datalogix), Tod Sacerdoti (CEO of BrightRoll), Ken Sawyer, Chris Scoggins (EVP of Datalogix), Evangelos Simoudis, Eric Stein (EVP of Epsilon), Charles Songhurst, Mati Szeszkowski, Omar Tawakol (CEO of BlueKai), Tien Tzuo (CEO of Zuora), Jay Weintraub, and Joe Zawadzki (CEO of MediaMath)

Lastly and most importantly, a BIG thank you to our rocking team at Siftery — we’re on a mission to help thousands of companies make better long-term decisions and the journey has just begun!



Vamshi Mokshagundam
Vamshi Mokshagundam

Cofounder and CEO at ActHQ, on a mission to make revenue teams 10x more effective.