Which Industries Need American Transcription

Vanan Services
Published in
1 min readMay 9, 2017

American English is considered as the universal language that is spoken by almost a billion people across the globe. This makes American transcription an invaluable service to almost very imaginable industry sectors today. Here are some of the industries which need professional American transcription services:


One of the biggest users of American transcription is the medical field. They need an accurate and detailed information that is derived from the audio recordings of doctors, medical researchers, examiners, and other medical professionals. The data that is retrieved from American transcription will be used as a basis for diagnosis, treatment, and other medical procedures.


Lawyers and legal practitioners are busy people. When they are not busy inside the courts, they spend their time analyzing and gathering evidence. An american transcription is a useful tool for them when examining a witness. Instead of doing the transcribing themselves, they outsource American transcription from a trusted provider.


In today’s competitive world, communication can be the deciding factor between success and failure. American transcription is an effective tool to enhance communication with all stakeholders. It is also an invaluable resource when doing market research in determining the opinions of your customers and how it can affect your sales.

Aside from medical, legal, and business, there are still other sectors which need American transcription services. If you need the best service out there, please contact us through toll-free hotlines or online chat.

