Dissecting the Musclemen of Frogtwitter

Will Bronze Age Pervert and the New Wave of Anti-Industrialists Become the Marats of Their Time?

11 min readJul 9, 2018
Jean-Paul Marat was martyred by a more conservative revolutionary, Miss Charlotte Corday, on July 13th, 1793.

(Editor’s Note: This article is NOT a review of Bronze Age Mindset by Bronze Age Pervert. This article is a mere reaction to Frogtwitter itself, and the recent ascendance of the movement as it relates to the Intellectual Dark Web. A review of Bronze Age Mindset is forthcoming by Vandal Press.)

Jean-Paul Marat, icon of the French Revolution, had for years served as a highly respected court doctor to the aristocracy, but as the Revolution commenced he left his career behind, founding the newspaper “The Friend of the People.” In his own words, Marat stated that he felt persecuted, oppressed, and kept from his proper position by the Academy of Sciences. In turn he called for the massacre of thousands, including other revolutionaries whom he deemed to be too conservative. His will was often carried out in the form of violent attacks and mass-decapitations.

During this time, Marat was frequently forced into hiding, sometimes retreating into the sewers of Paris. This exacerbated his skin condition, and necessitated constant soaking in his medicinal bath, where he spent the vast majority of his time. He never took up arms himself, emerging only once from his amphibious existence, and so he became notorious for dictating the actions of the mob from his tub.


Like the frogs of 18th Century France, the frogs of frogtwitter are mighty concerned with revolution. Frogtwitter is a diverse and varied place, and certainly many of its inhabitants are practicing tongue-in-cheek humor and intend no real harm (perhaps none of them do!). Some are even quite poetic. KANTBOT20K, for example, is undeniably artful, despite occasionally flirting with overt racism. He is, however, part of an emerging brand with a clear anti-industrial philosophy, closely aligned with the ideology of the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski. In short, Kaczynski’s manifesto proposes that technology has degraded human life and experience as compared to our enlivening primal past, such that humans are now almost universally deeply unsatisfied, depressed, and profoundly unfree.

It would seem that a certain political corner of frogtwitter has developed what can perhaps be described as a philosophy of biding time in preparation for a coming insurrection. It is steeped in Nietzschian style and philosophy. It toys with nazi occultism. Its dogma is thoroughly couched in ironic humor and so it believes itself to be antifragile. I disagree.

Bronze Age Pervert, an anonymous twitterer, gained notoriety when he was named by the generally-accepted founder of Neoreaction, the computer scientist and libertarian-monarchist Curtis Yarvin (alias Mencius Moldbug), as Yarvin’s sole contact within the Trump White House during Steve Bannon’s tenure. Yarvin was of course likely only trolling the journalist who had been interviewing him for The Atlantic, but it seems to have given Pervert enough of a bump to push him toward publishing his recently released philosophical text, Bronze Age Mindset. Both Pervert and Yarvin are behind aesthetically-based movements, but Pervert’s worldview is less technocratic, and more like if Conan the Barbarian adopted American nationalism and followed the wisdom of Kaczynski, but with the style and methods of Attila the Hun (who incidentally, like Marat, was also probably killed by a knife-wielding woman). His emphasis on both bodysculpting and intellectual learning is firmly based in the ideas of Nietzsche and his Übermensch.

Fellow Medium (and occasional Vandal Press writer) Tom X Hart, in his insightful review of “Bronze Age Mindset,” summarizes the Pervert’s worldview:

“You, a mere ‘hueman’ or ‘bugman’, are living in a open air prison called technological modernity. You live a cramped and squalid life doped up on sugar and carbohydrates, dominated by women, and entranced by banal and cruel television shows.”

Some bodybuilding frogs, like Pervert, see Jewish persons who live in their country as their principle enemy in their desire for a racially pure ethnostate, dominated exclusively by strong warrior men. All others must also eventually go. They have clearly determined that the first method to proceed in this course is the seemingly innocuous practice of weightlifting — after all, who wants to end up with a life prison sentence for building explosives?

Here a frogtweeter describes an abridged Bronze Age manifesto:

There is of course, an implied fourth statement being: “Wait for the time to come.” When will that time be? A frogtweeter suggests:

Bronze Age Pervert reflects on how the future will view his “looksmaxing” movement:

Agreeing on a Problem

You may ask, if you are a sensitive and conscientious person, if there is an underlying reality behind the feeling these men share? I will attempt to answer, and from the perspective of someone who studied anthropology, I feel that I have some capacity to do so.

Separate gender roles have at least to some degree existed in every human society we are aware of, past and present. The gender role reconfiguration that frogtwitter rails against is indeed a real phenomenon and one that should be considered seriously.

Many men are attempting to interpret a new reality in which the traditional male gender role is dissolving. The female gender role had already been “released” by technology such as the washing machine and television, hence the much-explored malaise of the 1950’s woman, and this was of course allowed for and expanded through other modern conveniences such as the prevalence of birth control methods (and all of this, domestic terrorist Ted Kaczynski would probably agree, was the fault of the male inventors of these technologies). And now, without the need for a warrior class, and seeing as an extremely small percentage of Americans are veterans or active military, females have largely been able to successfully subsume traditional male roles.

Today our culture attempts to lead women to believe that the lives led by women over the span of the hundreds of generations that proceeded them were all fundamentally a waste, that human life is not valuable unless it is tied to a career. Of course, ancient people were no less ignorant than ourselves in the lifestyles they pursued, considering the conditions they faced. Studies show that modern women are less happy now than before the feminist “emancipation” of the 1970s. We have a hard time understanding how women of the past were of course equally as important as men, despite their working in different spheres. Female members of our species had a very difficult time as compared to the lives of the average female person living in America today — and so did the men, many of whom were force-conscripted to die in foreign countries or worked hazardous jobs in places like a coal mine. There is also the consideration based upon genetic proof that we have twice as many female ancestors, which is to say that they were about twice as genetically successful as the average human male organism in passing on their DNA. The myth of “The Patriarchy” establishes a victimhood narrative while simultaneously absolving half of the human population of complicity in all crimes dating back to the origin of the species. It is no wonder that such a belief system is so attractive and popular today. Of course it can only be in large part a massive lie — women have always had agency— to say otherwise is deeply disrespectful to all of the women born in the two hundred thousand year history of our mostly-static cognition. The power enacted by women was not identical to male power, and the female gender role was not identical to the male, but it existed nonetheless. And one need only look to the reign of Queen Victoria two centuries ago to observe a woman at the head of a reign of colonial expansion that is still unparalleled in human history.

Meanwhile today, just as women are serving as well or better than their male counterparts in professional careers, and are outnumbering males in colleges, “unskilled” manual labor (not that there is actually such a thing as unskilled labor) which was once the domain of men, is in the West is in large part performed by immigrants, very many who are present illegally. There is very little impetus to remove them because they serve as ideal workers: they are extremely cautious not to break laws so that they can remain under the radar, they can be paid exploitative wages without complaint, and perhaps most crucially they are forever unable to unionize. The rest of the jobs are sent offshore.

I predict the average reader on the Left will now most likely be enraged with the above conclusions, no matter how much they might have a real bearing on the American worker and societal inequality. That is of course exactly why the Democrats lost the last election — the average person is harmed and feels left behind by the wealthy technocracy/plutocracy that has taken over the party (the Right obviously, was already under plutocratic control). If it were not for this plutocracy, I presume the current Left would have an interest in helping workers live stable lives and unionize. Yet clearly in policy and in rhetoric, the opposite is true.

Meanwhile, men are still judging each other for hierarchical status based upon the old pre-industrial paradigm. Women, being on average more hypergamous, tend to choose men based upon hierarchical position. The frogs therefore are genuinely responding to and also experiencing a general malaise and real insecurity about their future. They are upset that they do not know what to do to maintain their status in the coming decades, or even how to attempt to achieve status, because technology and innovation will soon likely make many careers obsolete. It is, for example, predicted by some, that AI will author a bestselling novel within thirty years. However, the undeniable sales success of Bronze Age Mindset—like Jordan Peterson’s much more mainstream 12 Rules for Life—shows that real status can currently still be achieved through work that is perceived to be original. That may not last for long, and it also explains why Aleksandr Dugin, Putin’s favorite philosopher, is completely opposed to technology, and AI in particular. Technology, not women or illegal immigration, is seen as the true enemy that will leave a generation of incel frogs, that could perhaps have otherwise been frog-princes, trapped in the dungeon of their parent’s basements.

Leveling Critique

The frogs believe that the built-in humor of the movement’s unabashed androphilia and infantile speech characteristics would make it antifragile, and yet I feel that I can level a few lines of fair criticism that may pierce their glandular membranes. So I will criticize the toads as I would any other annoying bastard I went to school with in the horrible LAUSD public high school I attended, that is to say, on the same terms that men use as we sort-out our dominance hierarchy. If you went to private school and did not grow up under similar conditions I am certain you will absolutely not understand the following paragraphs. I will fittingly begin by criticizing the common frog-pretension toward hyper-masculinity:

  1. Bathroom Warriors: It should be clear that these tweeters are mostly like Marat, which is to say, that they are constantly on Twitter and not engaged in physical action toward their goals (beyond a few possibly body-sculpting in air-conditioned gyms). It is likely, based upon their apparent tweeting activity, that the average member of this breed of frog spends an inordinate amount of time perched on their toilet seats, reading and responding to tweets and perhaps occasionally indirectly calling for action. Far too many tweets are produced for them to actually be busy “training” like the American neo-nazi terrorist cell Atomwaffen Division (who applied all of their drilling experience only to [allegedly] murder an unarmed kid). For now it is clear that the bulk of these frogs remain confined to their tubs and desk or retail jobs. They are probably fatter than they let on. Their compatriots are probably entirely digital.
  2. Anonymity: There is inherent cowardice in anonymity and the use of nom de plumes. That is not to say that pen names for authors are all bad, but Samuel Clemens actually lived as Mark Twain in public and Eric Blair pretty much became George Orwell. But the frogs are unlikely to become princes, and if they did, really that would make them “furries,” or at least “slimies,” wouldn’t it? They are afraid to lose their incomes. What would Nietzsche think? Are you really living your will to power if you are hiding in a green suit, or behind terror-inducing photos of male musculature? In all likelihood, the real persons behind the frog avatars live profoundly desperate and depressing lives. It would make their followers depressed to see them. Why else spend so much time online? I’m sure many sleep with women, but far more are raging incels who will abandon their ideologies the instant they get laid.
  3. Identity Politics: This final argument proposes that the Bronze Age Frog Solution is as facile, weak-brained, and makes them as obviously ignorant of history as the rest of identity politics-practitioners. The movement would in my opinion be more effective if they abandoned white nationalism and, like Steve Bannon, focused perhaps on economic nationalism, populism, and the betterment of conditions for all American citizenry. At this point in time, Bannon is on record as having made no public anti-Semitic comment, though the media has quite thoroughly attempted to shade his reputation in that regard. The ideas of economic nationalism, as opposed to racially-based nationalism, have the potential to contribute to constructive political dialogue within a nation state. Identity politics in contrast, is forever determined to shut down voices and “take the microphone” by whatever means necessary or possible.

Ancient Greeks and Romans, who the frogs adulate, in general thought themselves superior to their neighbors of both fairer complexion to the north and those darker than themselves in the south — their olive tone was the ideal medium. But there were still Roman emperors of darker skin complexion who were viewed to be just as Roman as anyone else. The past and the present are more complicated than the easy doctrines of identity politics would have you believe. Extremists on the Left and the Right are cut from the same cloth, and are trapped inside the same ridiculous and simultaneously dangerous bubble based in victim narratives. The foundations of identity-based movements are the same: it is the jealous and self-pitying worldview of loathsome victimhood, and it turns people into mass-murderers, be they school shooters, kulak-loathing communists, or bitter “Aryan” anti-semites. Jean-Paul Marat’s persecution-complex was no different from theirs. I propose, instead, that all persons work to eradicate the narrative of victimhood and take personal responsibility for their lives. To accept your situation is the only mentally-healthy way to live. From that point alone can we improve conditions in our country and the world.

So will the frogs be able to lead their revolution from their bathtubs? Do they have soldiers willing to do their bidding, while they themselves remain anonymous? Will their philosophy somehow transition from cryptic character-limited texts on a San Francisco-based internet application into glory on the open field of battle? I must admit, stranger things have happened.

Perhaps Richard Dawkins will on his deathbed reflect upon what carnage he ushered into the world with his invention of the internet “meme,” as the strongly muscled frogmen charge over the Great Plains, naked and wielding their broadswords, directed by tweet storms delivered from anonymous frog commanders.

Are the frog body builders destined to die in their bathrooms and gymnasiums? Or will their philosophy somehow transition from cryptic texts on an app into glory on the field of battle?

