Stop Living for Today

Banish the phrase from yoga classes, wellness retreats, and the potions aisle in Whole Foods.

Michael Nemcik
Vandal Press


German city of Dresden in 1945 — Deutsche Fotothek Blick vom Rathausturm

Millennials love the idea of reliving the last half of the 20th century, the one we all grew up watching on the Wonder Years. We were led to believe it was a time that defined everything we love about America. Giant leaps in civil rights, a martyred saint president, a nationwide ethical rejection of war in favor of peace, free love, the Greatest Generation defeating evil, and the twilight of communism. The unfortunate truth is that the last half of the 20th century should be recognized for the attempted murder of the future.

The idea of “live for today” in America arose in the 1960's.

When I think of all the worries
People seem to find
And how they’re in a hurry
To complicate their minds,

By chasing after money
And dreams that can’t come true
I’m glad that we are different
We’ve better things to do

May others plan their future
I’m busy loving you

- “Live for Today,” The Grass Roots

Catchy and highly effective. In the face of imminent threats, Americans have decided to stop worrying about the future, and focus on right now. We don’t save for the future, instead electing to take on massive amounts of…



Michael Nemcik
Vandal Press

Scientist, photographer, power lifter, bass player, financial analyst, ex-soldier, stoic, bartender, sommelier, film student