A Non-Nonsense Guide on How to Bring the Best Version of You in Your Work All the Time.

Vanessa Kisowile
Vanessa’s HandBook
4 min readJan 14, 2021

Steps to becoming the best in everything you do and bringing your best work to your clients and customers.

Whether you are an entrepreneur or a creator, whether you have just begun your journey or have been on this for years, there are principles of growth and success that don’t change.

One of these principles is Customer/Client Satisfaction. Now there are several ways you can achieve this but one of the leading way is by always delivering your best work. Now I’m not saying they may not want some few changes but clients/customers know when you have truly pushed yourself to the limit and they reward you for that.

Cultivating the behavior of not settling for mediocre work is not something that happens overnight, it’s something that is built in everything we do everyday and the way we handle our small tasks and responsibilities.

Well, if you are lucky enough to grow in the house of perfectionists, you learn this very early in life and in a very tough way, either way, you need this if you are going to grow and become successful. And this is because your success is determined by the number of satisfied clients/customers.

So even after growing in the house where both mum and dad are perfectionists, I have truly had to also constantly remind and train myself to bring my best work in everything I do, no matter how tiny it is.

Steps to becoming the best in everything you do and bringing your best work to your clients and customers.

If you are serious about growing your business or your brand as a creator and are truly commited to seeing this through then keep on reading as I share steps that you help you grow every day forward:

Build and Have the right attitude

Attitude is everything my friend, your attitude towards your work doesn’t just speak to your customer/clients and those around you it also speaks to you. It tells your brain how to handle certain situations, what is and what is not and creates a mentality that willl determine how you value the work you deliver.

Now, I understand most of us truly work to make a living ( like that is the first objective) and sometimes in the course of that and the experiences we get, we may lose focus and the right attitude to handle some of our works.

Here is how you build and maintain the right attitude:

  • Note down and understand what you wnat to achieve and when. Everyday when you wake you in the morning that should be one of the things you read before you get to work or into doing anything else for that matter.

This is to remind your brain that this is important and this is what we are focusing on, so we will do the best we can to achieve this.

  • Have a positive morning routine. I know you might have heard so many people saying this, and it’s very important. The world is crazy already, sometimes good crazy but you still need the right mindset as early as possible. So instead of waking up and going straight to your phone, take few mins on your bed thinking of the things you are grateful for.

Get out of your bed, pray/meditate, put on some positive vibe music, do some exercises, check on your ” Focus Note”, make your day’s to-do list, get a shower then open your phone.

  • Contant maintain positive affirmations about yourself, your environment and your future. It’s important that no matter what we refrain from dwelling too much on the negative, so constantly maintain positive affirmations about everything in your life.

Constantly Learn New Market Standards, Trends and Needs

This is very important for you to stay relevant in your field and for you to deliver what your clients/customers are into. Use different online resources like blogs, use analytics to understand how your customers are responding to some things you put out there or some of your services/products, learn what your competitors are doing and do it better.

In short, be a constant student of the market.

Find Your Unique Value and Touch

We all have that something that only us can bring to the table in anything we do, and that is your competitive edge. Find out what that is, in you and to your clients/customers and what it means to them then invest massively to perfect it.

The best way to find this out is:

  • Understand what you love doing, truly and what it is that after you do it, you are sure that you have delivered one heck of a service or created one heck of a product.
  • Speak to people around you, your clients/customers and ask them to give you an honest feedback about how you do things and what products of yours are their very best and why.
  • Research to understand what times are the times that you do magic and when do you just do mediocre work. It’s very important to understand what time works for you. Whether it’s literally the time or the season in your life, this will help you plan ahead.

Always Show Up

This is a secret sauce that many miss out. Sometimes the opportunities we get don’t pay us rightaway, they are long term and our failure to be patient enough, destroy the chances of getting the reward of the future.

Don’t Settle

No matter what, don’t ever be comfortable with delivering half-baked work, ever. That should be your first principle and the rule you never break. You would rather ask the client for more time and delay somethings but make sure you deliver your best.

After all is said and done, sip Champaign your deserve it!

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Vanessa Kisowile
Vanessa’s HandBook

Dreaming after all is a great form of planning. Founder: @itravelar @afroshefound Website: vanessakisowile.netlify.app