An Idiot with Execution can beat a Genius with a Plan

Vanessa Kisowile
Vanessa’s HandBook
4 min readJan 15, 2021

The reason why you are struggling with your finances and everything else not changing in your life is because you have made procastination your place.

For the past couple of weeks I have had a chance to reflect on alot that is going on in my work and life generally, now don’t get me wrong I am the queen of procrastination but I had to really be honest with myself and get my shit together.

In an attempt to figure out why Feb to July seemed to be working very well for me, I realized those were the months I consinstently did everything that was in my “growth-journal” without skipping even a second. I found myself being very productive, happy and fulfilled during the most difficult time of my life in 2020.

This is what had happened between that time:

  • My salary was chopped to half
  • My expenses increased
  • My future in work was uncertain
  • I was going through a very serious personal battle about one of my projects

Yet, in all these I was the most fulfilled and productive. Now I gave myself alot of reasons, I was working from home ( I enjoy doing so) etc but the reality is, I executed every plan that was in my book without expectations of quick returns but with the committment of consitency and quality work.

The issue is, it doesn’t matter how many plans you have, how much of a smart person you are, if you don;t move off your own way and become a doer then nothing in life is going to change anyway.

Photo from Pexels

The routine of my execution was very simple:

  • Self-Care routine

I woke up every day at 6 am, did my morning exercises, prayed, prepared breakfast for my son and the rest of the family and showered.

That was enough to make me feel so fresh for the rest of the day, somehow my mind felt like I had conquered everything that would come my way on that day. And the day I missed a routine I felt like depression was charming its way in my day.

  • Work-Life routine

It was not easy working from home with a toddler running around while you have calls to take, zoom meetings to attend and events to speak to but within these three plus months, I did my first international training ( where I trained 30+ Nigerian women entrepreneurs), I spoke to my first ever international event ( that I had not peronally organized, like I was invited) and I had lots of leads than I can count, I started my online training, opened a new account for my talk show and published several articles that might have taken me months to finish just one.

What made this possible, was the fact that I committed to publish three articles a week and found titles prior then, I posted constantly on my social media and was very precise in my messaging as to who I am and who I serve hence the opportunities I got were as precise and I was so focused that no matter how good the opportunity was, If it didn’t speak to who I am building to become or aligning with my vision, I passed.

Hence I was never distracted, except with the 3 years old toddler running around in my house.

Yet, I’m sure my son felt I was fully present, because my time was well divided and I worked on those things that needed my undivided attention only when he was asleep.

Yes, I don’t think I did anything else that was special except executing what I planned to.

All of this is me trying to figure out how I actually moved from there back to where I was about a year ago, and the answer is procastination and entertaining too many plans without execution.

So this is moving forward my execution plan:

Every day I have 5 things I must do before the end of the day that answer to who I am becoming:

  • Write one article
  • Share content on social media
  • Get my emails responded to
  • Maintain self-care routine
  • Reach out to one lead

Every week 5 things I must do:

  • Read a book
  • Produce a video and podcast
  • On board a new client
  • Write one chapter of my book
  • Meeting with team

Let’s see how this is going to work in the next 64 days.

What I will do is document everything each day then in Jan 2021, God willing, I will publish the finding and the learning.

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Vanessa Kisowile
Vanessa’s HandBook

Dreaming after all is a great form of planning. Founder: @itravelar @afroshefound Website: