Dear Mothers, It’s Okay to Have Some Me Time

Vanessa Kisowile
Vanessa’s HandBook
2 min readMay 10, 2020

Happy Mother’s Day to every mother on earth, you rock, you are exceptional and you are more than a hero.

I know what you are expecting, well it’s not what I’m going to say.

Being a woman, is such a heavenly experience, it is scary, rewarding, exciting, painful, stretching and most of the times confusing. Especially now in the age of feminism, racism, sexism, and all the kinds of “ism”s you may know, being a woman means being the best version of who you are and living your truth.

So this mother’s day I want all mothers to just take a chill pill. I know we have a lot on our plate, we are raised to be everything for everyone but we also need not to forget that we need to be everything for ourselves and that we can never give what we don’t have.

When we are so exhausted with life, we will never live to the best standards we have, never deliver to the best of our abilities and will never be able to live the life we are called to. So I’m suggesting 3 ways you can just relax this Mother’s day and have some you time:

Take two hours of power just to be with you. Especially for mothers who have small kids or just can’t get away from home, get the kids to sleep or get someone to help you stay with them and take 2 hours just to be yourself in your room or shower. And do nothing, just relax.

Getaway from home for a few hours, go for a long jog or something. I understand some countries are in total lockdown and some are in “social-distancing” stage, but you can still go out for a jog or just a walk and inhale that pure fresh air without thinking about cooking or cleaning.

Have a movie marathon. If you can get someone to stay with the kids or if your can do this with your kids it’s even better. Today, just order in or prepare the whole day food early and have a movie marathon or a couch the whole day.

You deserve it, so don’t feel guilty for anything you do today for yourself. By the way this might be the only time you get to be with yourself in a long time hahaha so just take it.

Allow others to celebrate you the best way the know how and allow yourself to celebrate you.

You are valued and appreciated.

with love,




Vanessa Kisowile
Vanessa’s HandBook

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