Uber’s New Take on the Morning Commute

The Vanguard
The Vanguard
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2015

By: Suyash Sharma

Uber’s success in the transportation industry has been commendable.

At one point, when Ola entered the Indian market and Didi Kuaidi entered the Chinese market, it seemed that the dominance of Uber would be short-lived. People felt that companies like Ola and Didi Kuaidi would outperform Uber in their home markets due to their in-depth knowledge and strong local connections, which would lead to Uber losing out on key developing regions.

Nonetheless, we must admit that ruling out Uber was perhaps a mistake, as Uber has successfully competed with its competitors and maintained its dominance in the transportation industry by launching UberCommute.

People may find UberCommute somewhat overlapping to UberPool, but they differ in that UberCommute is specifically designed to drop off people on the way to one’s destination whereas UberPool, as the name suggests, resembles a carpool — where destinations are grouped sporadically, not en route.

UberCommute is a great idea. This model will garner attraction from commuters looking to make some extra cash while carrying out their usual trip to work. Should this Furthermore, in addition to being an easy way to make money, this service may also be a great way to kill time for some people who travel long distances to work.

Moreover, UberCommute is poised to grow market share while taking advantage of cost conscious riders in China. Success of UberCommute in China will help this service generate value throughout the World and will increase its likelihood of success in other developing nations.

As with all things, UberCommute is not free from critique. Some people are of the view that it is just a reshuffled version of Uber. All that will change is that drivers will park in a city center and claim they’re in their way to the airport, or something similar and get multiple fares at once.



The Vanguard
The Vanguard

The Vanguard is an online publication affiliated with Claremont McKenna College where we try to bring student perspectives to current events in entrepreneurship