EU Elections Pose Uncertain Future for Climate Action: A Critical Analysis

Vanguard Reports
Vanguard — Global Politics
4 min readMay 29, 2024

As the June 2024 European parliamentary elections approach, the future of the EU’s climate policies stands at a critical juncture. The anticipated political shifts could significantly impact the EU’s ability to maintain its ambitious environmental goals and global leadership on climate action.

The EU has long been at the forefront of international efforts to combat climate change, with the European Green Deal serving as the cornerstone of its comprehensive strategy. However, the potential rise of climate-critical political forces, including radical right, nationalist, and conservative groupings, threatens to undermine the EU’s progress on environmental policies.

The Nature Restoration Law and Farmers’ Protests

One of the key battlegrounds is the EU’s Nature Restoration Law, which aims to rehabilitate 20% of European nature by 2030. This law has faced significant backlash, particularly from farmers who argue that it imposes excessive restrictions on land use. The farmers’ protests, fueled by right-wing populist movements, have already led to the dilution of the law, reflecting the contentious nature of environmental policies within the EU.

This backlash highlights the broader societal divisions surrounding climate action, with some segments of the population perceiving environmental regulations as threats to economic livelihoods and national sovereignty. The potential rise of climate-critical political forces in the upcoming elections could further exacerbate these tensions, making it increasingly difficult to achieve the consensus necessary for ambitious climate legislation.

Interestingly, the protests against the Nature Restoration Law follow a historical pattern where environmental regulations often clash with economic interests. The Common Agricultural Policy reforms of the 1990s also faced similar backlash, indicating that the tension between environmental sustainability and economic viability is a recurring theme in EU policy-making.

Political Shifts and the Future of the EU Green Deal

Polls suggest that the upcoming elections could see a significant shift in the political landscape, with climate-critical parties gaining more influence in the European Parliament. This could have far-reaching consequences for the EU’s climate policies, potentially undermining the ambitious targets set forth in the European Green Deal.

The EU Green Deal, announced in 2019, is the EU’s most comprehensive climate policy to date, encompassing a wide range of initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy, and fostering sustainable agriculture. However, if right-wing and conservative forces gain more power, they may push for a dilution or even a rollback of the Green Deal’s targets, arguing that they are economically burdensome.

The potential backtracking on the Green Deal could jeopardize the EU’s goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and undermine its international credibility as a global leader in climate action. This, in turn, could have far-reaching implications for the broader global efforts to combat climate change, as the EU’s leadership and policy decisions have a significant impact on the international community.

The upcoming elections are particularly crucial given the EU’s historical leadership in climate action. From the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 to the Paris Agreement in 2015, the EU has consistently been a frontrunner in climate negotiations. A shift in its stance could disrupt not just its internal policies but also its role in global forums.

International Implications and Global Climate Diplomacy

The EU’s climate policies are not only significant for Europe but also have broader implications for global climate action. The EU has been a key player in international climate negotiations, often pushing for more ambitious global commitments. A weakened EU stance could embolden other countries to scale back their climate commitments, undermining the collective efforts to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Moreover, the EU’s leadership in green technologies and renewable energy could be at risk if its climate policies are undermined. This could cede ground to other global players, such as China and the United States, and impact the EU’s long-term competitiveness in the rapidly evolving green economy.

Analysts are particularly concerned about the future of policies aimed at protecting biodiversity and promoting sustainable farming, as these areas have been contentious within the EU. The dilution of the Nature Restoration Law is a case in point, illustrating the challenges of achieving consensus on environmental policies.

Historically, the EU has been a model for regional alliances and countries worldwide. If its climate policies falter, it could set a dangerous precedent, impacting global efforts to combat climate change. This is reminiscent of when the U.S. withdrew from the Paris Agreement under the Trump administration, leading to a temporary setback in global climate goals.

Conclusion: A Pivotal Moment for Global Climate Action

The June 2024 EU elections are a pivotal moment for the future of climate action, both within Europe and globally. The potential rise of climate-critical political forces could significantly hinder the EU’s ambitious environmental goals, undermining the European Green Deal and weakening the EU’s leadership in global climate negotiations.

The international community will be closely watching the EU elections, given the EU’s critical role in global climate leadership. A weakened EU stance could have a ripple effect, emboldening other countries to scale back their climate commitments and jeopardizing global efforts to combat climate change. As such, the outcome of the elections will have far-reaching implications for the future of climate action worldwide.

In the face of these challenges, it is crucial that the EU maintains its commitment to ambitious climate action and continues to lead by example. The stakes are high, and the future of our planet hangs in the balance. The decisions made in the aftermath of the EU elections will shape the trajectory of global climate action for years to come.



Vanguard Reports
Vanguard — Global Politics

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