Reflecting on Vanig’s Visit to Token Fest

VANIG.IO | Best ICO 2018
2 min readMar 24, 2018

Last week, the Vanig team visited San Francisco for an exciting and packed schedule in Tokenfest 2018 at San Francisco. Our founders and executive team participated the event and have returned energized from all the interactions and possible partnerships that have resulted from the event.

Vanig was a platinum sponsor for the event, we showcased our Project and technology over the 2 days in the Technology Showcase stage. We had one of the prominent and most active booths in the venue, visitors from blockchain enthusiasts to investors and hedge funds alike, were curious on the project and the potential.

Here are the key highlights from the event -

  • We showcased Vanig project on the first day (3/15) to investors and decision makers in the Technology Showcase stage. Our CTO Geof Rainey presented the project and it was very well received. The presentation will be made available on our website later this week.
  • We showcase the technology that drives Vanig on the 2nd day, 3/16. Our CTO Geof Rainey presented the session followed by an interactive Q and A session.
  • We met and discussed with various investors on potential investments in the project. The feedback and curiosity on Vanig’s E-commerce solution is very promising.
  • We had discussed potential partnership with various other blockchain and e-commerce projects and companies. Some of the potential partnerships include HOQU, Ambrosus, Bluezelle, Hyperledger and Mobigraph.
  • We ran various raffles throughout the day with many giveaways. The raffles were a big hit and we had hundreds of people participate in the giveaways. The prizes included bluetooth headphones, Smart watches and a grand prize Smart phone.
  • We finalized our partnership with Tokenget, a Turnkey solution provider for token generation and sale.

Overall it was a very fruitful event, paving the way for potential investments and partnerships . It is only the beginning and the team is very excited at what lays ahead of us.





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VANIG.IO | Best ICO 2018

The World's first integrated E-Commerce and Supply Chain Ecosystem powered by blockchain.