Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2017


You Must Weep for Krishna

BB Tirtha Maharaj

The great Vaisnava saint Vamsi dasa Babaji Maharaj. Babaji Maharaj is always surcharged with krsna-prem! There was a person from Navadvip-dham who used to come to Babaji Maharaj. One day, he thought, “I have the desire to obtain the Supreme Lord. How can I get Bhagavan?” He was only murmuring, speaking to himself, so Babaji Maharaj did not reply. This person came back repeatedly to see Babaji Maharaj. Finally, one day, he approached Maharaj directly. “What do you want?” Babaji Maharaj asked him. “I want to see Bhagavan,” the man said. Babaji Maharaj replied with only one word: “Weep!” We might supply so much scriptural evidence to try to explain, in so many ways, how to obtain the Supreme Lord, but what did Vamsi dasa Babaji Maharaj say? “Weep for Him!” If you can weep for Him, then you can get Him. If there is want for Him, then He will come. We are uttering His Names, but we do not want Him.

So, we are uttering the Names of Krsna — -”Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rma, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare” — -and Krishna appears before us. He says to us, “Come along!” We say to Him, “No, I cannot go now. Right now I require a million dollars to save my business. I have my children. I have just bought a building. I cannot go now.” “So, why have you called Me?” Krishna asks. “I have called you to give me a million dollars,” we reply. “Remove my difficulties. I do not have time to go now.” From where are we uttering the Name? Not from the heart! We are chanting, “Hare Krishna” but, if Krishna were to come, we would be unable to go.

