This bike singlehandedly stopped a heist

When thieves stole a bunch of company property, police used our bike’s tracking signal to find it all back.

VanMoof Bike Hunters
3 min readDec 8, 2017


Editor’s note: This story involves a household-name multinational corporation who for legal reasons prefers to remain anonymous. We refer to them here as The Bouncy Bunny Co (TBBC).

When TBBC ordered a small fleet of our electric bikes for their Amsterdam office, it wasn’t a casting call for a company hero. Never mind the nerdy specs, they just wanted some sweet rides.

So we kitted out ten Electrified S bikes with shiny copper fenders and custom logos, and TBBC got busy joyriding.

The good times rolled until exactly eleven months later, when the bikes were packed into a truck heading South as part of an office move to Belgium. With two logistics companies tag teaming the move, it went without a hitch.

That is, until someone double-checked the moving inventory list while offloading the truck. Then triple-checked the list…and lost their sh*t.

At some point during the move, a bunch of company property had gone missing — including expensive electronics and, wait for it…one Electrified S.

Right before this bike went undercover

After the requisite freak-out, things moved fast. The logistics company filed a report with the Belgian police, then TBBC alerted our Bike Hunters, who turned on the bike’s tracking signal remotely.

It was on the move.

When the Electrified S sent out location coordinates in Belgium, not far from the logistics company’s warehouse, Bike Hunters Tony* and Joe* hit the road.

Tracking the stolen Electrified S in the Belgian backwoods

Armed with their trusty Bluetooth tracker, the Bike Hunters spent a harrowing day in rural Belgium, where 95% of homes come equipped with barking dogs.

They stopped when it became clear that the bike (and, they hoped, the rest of the stolen loot) was stashed on private property. Our best chance now was to loop the police in on the bike’s tracking powers, wait for a fresh signal as hard proof, and let them do their thing.

Back in Amsterdam at Bike Hunting HQ, tensions were as high as a Game of Thrones viewing party. All of VanMoof was rooting for our friends at TBBC, for the Belgian police, and most of all, for the Electrified S to come through.

Then, one agonizing week later, our Bike Hunters got the call.

Miraculously, all of the stolen property — bike, electronics, the whole shebang — had been seized and returned to The Bouncy Bunny Co.

The police haven’t released an official report yet, so we’re not at liberty to say exactly what went down. Bet you can fill in the blanks, though.

Sweet ride. Heist-buster. The Electrified S answers to a handful of names; you better believe TBBC just added “company hero” to the list.

Tony and Joe, by the way, are already hot on the heels of another stolen VanMoof. Do Bike Hunters sleep? Nah. They’re too busy putting bike thieves out of business.

*To keep our Bike Hunters safe and their missions stealthy, we’ve switched real names out for fancy pseudonyms.



VanMoof Bike Hunters

Putting bike thieves out of business, one bike at a time.