World of VanPoure | Come Celebrate with Our NFT Community

Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2022

If you are unfamiliar with the beauty and utility of the LiquidiTao’s Topography NFTs, the Whitepaper Mini is a wonderful place to learn about the installations — immersive experiences created via sublimation that are physical derivatives of the owner’s NFTs.

VanPoure also published a Sublimation Basics article to explain the vast creative possibilities open to our holders. Floor-to-ceiling immersive installations are derived from the elemental metallic galaxies — sublimated on high-shine metal panels-and there are no arbitrary boundaries as to where they can be placed or for what purpose. They are limited only by the constraints of the imagination.

The sublimation suggestions are a simple starting point. The community’s structure is deliberately designed to take things much further through creative exploration, driven by layers of incentives. VanPoure has a community treasury dedicated to funding member designed, NFT-based installations where the materials and labor costs are taken care of. Large scale installations — which are at least 9 panels in size — are eligible to receive funding, including residences, outdoor structures, commercial spaces, and/or brand collaborations.

Any wallet which holds a VanPoure NFT can submit a proposal for an original installation derived from their topography NFT(s) which, if executed successfully, fulfills the member’s eligibility for our quarterly dividend airdrops! For more about eligibility and requirements for voting, see How to Vote on Proposals.

An Enchanted Evening

Celebration is the epicenter of VanPoure’s traditions. The recognition of our individual members and their unique talent is treated as an active practice which is worth the effort. Since the community’s values center on the creation of instances of beauty and spontaneous artistic expression, holders who wish to host other community members are encouraged to turn a completed installation celebration into an enchanted evening filled with beautiful energy, live performance, and wonderful company.

These are customizable templates to let guests know the kind of entertainment, any kind of appetizers which will be served, and any dress code so that attendees can be prepared. The invitation suggests that guests wear something metallic — a shiny watch, silver earrings, or a set of cufflinks — as a festive nod to the metallic elemental galaxies which unify the individual members.

The invitation request form will ask for the ETH address where your VanPoure NFT is held to confirm holder status, and then allow you to fill in details to customize the complimentary batch. (Please allow 1–2 weeks for your invitations to arrive). Holders may also publicize the festivities to our readers, fill out the Featured Installation Form to initiate a featured story.

Next Steps for Involvement

  1. Subscribe to this publication. VanPoure publishes behind-the-scenes features with member-submitted photographs from these celebrations on Medium, along with the backstory and the beautiful connections and memories shared. The publication is part of the channel of intermediaries, where interested audiences can comment to offer assistance, suggest new ideas or collaborations, and talk about potential gatherings.
  2. Become a holder. To become a holder yourself, you can shop our existing collections on OpenSea.
  3. Show the world your creativity. Members who wish publicize their installation (community-funded or not) may initiate a featured story! Simply fill out the Featured Installation Form, upload your high-quality images, and click submit.

With enthusiasm and love, we look forward to publishing submissions for our very first round of funding. We wish our community a very happy spring season of designing and dreaming!

