Behind the Scenes at Ellis Island

Street art, hospital wards, eerie decay and the memory of millions at the infamous historic site

Greg Kendall-Ball


Recently I took a “Hard Hat” Tour of Ellis Island in Upper New York Bay. I knew that the facility had been the port of entry for millions of immigrants to the United States, but I had no idea about the huge hospital facility that existed on the island for treating people who had spent weeks or months traveling at sea.

In 2012, Hurricane Sandy slammed into the island, causing extensive damage. “Save Ellis Island” offers tours of these historic buildings in an effort to educate and raise funds for the preservation of this important landmark. The artist JR also has Unframed an exhibit of his work hanging larger-than-life size on many of the walls.

Walking the long hallways of this complex reminded me of some of America’s best impulses — inviting people from around the world to bring their talents and efforts to this nation, to make a better life for themselves and to build a stronger country.

Greg Kendall-Ball is a freelance photojournalist and photo editor based in Washington D.C. He’s on Twitter and Instagram.

