Can Instagram Be a Curatorial Platform?

Rethinking the app as a photographic exhibition space

Andy Adams
FlakPhoto Projects
2 min readApr 5, 2016


A photo geek in his natural habitat. Image courtesy Mike Rebholz

Photo peeps! Andy here. I’m convinced there are curatorial possibilities for Instagram so I’m developing a new idea to do something creative with @FlakPhoto IG and I hope you’ll be a part of it.

How it works: I’m planning to feature select bodies of work on from week to week, an image at a time, in the feed. My goal is to raise awareness of those image-makers doing interesting things with their photography and to fill your Instagram with intriguing, unexpected work, a little bit at a time. And, if it helps you see something new, all the better. Concept is simple: get your work seen.

Submission is free and the project — an experiment really — kicks off this Spring. If you’re interested in sharing your work with a wider audience and you’d like to do something fun together, I want to hear from you — Email me with subject #FlakPhotoFeatures and a link to your portfolio. Cool?

Looking forward to seeing your stuff. And I’d love more people to hear about this… Tell yr friends? Thank you!



Andy Adams
FlakPhoto Projects

I’m a curator and writer in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Among other things, I run FlakPhoto Projects, a community hub focused on conversations about photography.