FlakPhoto Digest #19 — Gotta Groove Records • The Future of Animation • On Digital Reading • Pictures & Words • Creative Documentary

Visual culture for curious minds / July 30, 2016

Andy Adams
FlakPhoto Projects
4 min readJul 30, 2016


#FlakPhotoRecs → Image courtesy Paul Treacy (follow him!)

Hey Gang! Like you, I look at a ton of photography. And these days, it’s harder than ever to pay attention to the firehose of images flooding through my news feeds. Right? That’s part of what FlakPhoto Digest is about: Showcasing the good stuff that comes across my desk so you can slow down, relax, and enjoy it. Believe it or not, the Digest helps me make sense of the many fascinating things I want to spend time with from week to week. Finding signal in the noise is the challenge .

The response to my Siskind Foundation Fellowship post has been incredible — more than 3,000 of you spent a few minutes of your day looking into these artists, which is awesome — so I’m brainstorming a new idea to launch a recurring feature here on Medium with a goal of highlighting the photographers that catch my eye. Format is probably something similar — think, “5 photographers to watch” or something along those lines. Does that sound interesting? Email me hello@flakphoto.com and tell me what you think of the idea. And, if you’d be interested in being featured in a project like that, let me know that too.

Everyone’s always crying “Print is dead!” and I never really know if that’s true or not. I’ll say this for the power of a postcard: GRAIN Images sent a promo over this week, handsomely printed images from the collective’s members, and I found myself spending 20 minutes on their website and following each of their members on Twitter. You should do same → Find them @GrainImages. Point is: print is still vital for photographers, no matter what they say. Drop by their site when you have a sec.

I mentioned last week that I’m going to include photo opportunities here from time to time. Drop me a line if you’re promoting a call for work, a job opening, or artist residency and I’ll consider it for broadcast. And please, share these links with your creative colleagues:

Finally, have you seen Found Polaroids? Kyler Zeleny is doing something really special with this project — the site pairs creative writing with images from his vernacular photography collection and the results can be really moving. He’s on Instagram too. That’s it for now — Happy Weekend 🤓

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Looking for inspiration? I’m recommending photographers on Instagram every day. Some of this week’s #FlakPhotoRecs include (clockwise, from upper left): Andrew Sullivan, Danny Wilcox Frazier, Cornelia Hediger, and Fred Hirschman. Submit your work for consideration by tagging me @FlakPhoto in your best images. Thank you!
#FlakPhotoBooksWhat are you looking at this week? My pick — Documentum Issue 2: Words & Pictures

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FlakPhoto Digest is a weekend reader: something you can spend time with when the work week slows down — an opportunity to sit back and relax with a handful of photo/arts links on your mobile or tablet. Goal is to give you something to enjoy over a hot cup of coffee (or tea) when you have a moment by yourself. It’s the perfect thing for a lazy Sunday morning.

How it works: I post these dispatches here on Medium and drop you a line with an email so you know it’s ready to read. Simple as that. Interesting? Let’s connect.

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Music buffs, you’ll dig thisGotta Groove Records doc by Nick Cavalier



Andy Adams
FlakPhoto Projects

I’m a curator and writer in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Among other things, I run FlakPhoto Projects, a community hub focused on conversations about photography.