A surrendered rebel from the M-23 rebellion (center, seated) is transported by members of the FARDC from the frontline near the village of Kibati, north of Goma. In the video interview, Pete says, “It’s the type of picture about … how war continues to eat away at societies.” Pete Muller/Prime

Let Me Represent You

Pete Muller shares his passions, motives and images in new CNN documentary series about conflict photographers

Lori Waselchuk
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2015


I am always blown away by Pete Muller’s earnestness and passion. I can feel his intensity in his images.

Pete features in the first chapter of Conflict, a documentary series about the photographers telling the stories of those swept up in war.

Conflict premiered on CNN’s Amanpour last month and puts a spotlight on also photojournalists Joao Silva, Donna Ferrato and Robin Hammond. I don’t know enough, yet, about the work of Nicole Tung and Eros Hoagland, but this series makes me want to learn more.

Ryan, Olivia and April Ireland, of Neosho, MO, pose for a portrait at the OFASTS. “Everyone has a bucket list,” April explained. “My husband wanted to jump out of planes. I wanted to use the biggest machine guns to blow up a car.” Her first time to shoot machine guns, she described the adrenaline rush. “Seeing your baby for the first time as a mommy you get that adrenaline rush. That’s how I felt when I was up there shooting.” The Ireland’s still possess what they refer to as “Exhibit C,” a pistol used by Ryan’s great uncle during a bank robbery. Pete Muller/Prime

I first met Pete when he and Prime colleague, Lance Rosenfield, spoke for the new media and photojournalism students at the Corcoran College of Art + Design. He had just finished covering the succession and independence of South Sudan. He shared deep knowledge about the country’s history, politics, and cultures with us as he was showing his work. He was on fire creatively and intellectually. As far as I can see, and knowing him for a couple years, that passion does not dissipate as far as it rightly should.

Pete makes connections too. In the shortened Atlantic video, published recently, he talks about how a proliferation of weapons in culture, whether or not there is war, impacts the social fabric. But I think we already know that.



Lori Waselchuk

Lori Waselchuk is an award-winning documentary photographer whose photographs have appeared in print and exhibitions worldwide & is Prime’s Coordinator.